Which of the following statements about peritoneum and/or mesenteries is INCORRECT?

Which of the following statements about peritoneum and/or mesenteries is INCORRECT?

1.The gastroplenic and splenorenal ligaments normally prevent fluids from entering the omental bursa from the left paracolic gutter
2.A mesentery transmitis the neurovascular supply to the organ with it is related
3.The common bile duct is contained within the gastrocolic ligament
4.The Adrenal glands are situated posterior to parietal peritoneum


The common bile duct is formed by the union of the common hepatic duct and the cystic duct (from the gall bladder).

It is later joined by the pancreatic duct to form the ampulla of Vater. There, the two ducts are surrounded by the muscular sphincter of Oddi.
