Which of the following glands is not under neural control?

Necrolytic acral erythema is a rare condition, first described in 1996. It is strongly associated with hepatitis C, often being seen as an early cutaneous marker of this infection. It is described as a well-defined, pruritic or burning, hyperkeratotic erythematous eruption that most often affects the acral surfaces. The pathogenesis of necrolytic acral erythema is unknown, but it is thought to be related to zinc dysregulation, which can occur as a result of hepatitis C–induced metabolic alteration. Necrolytic acral erythema is best defined clinically as a histopathological entity that often closely resembles psoriasis. Complete remission of this condition has been reported with parenteral interferon therapy with or without the addition of ribavirin.

The most likely diagnosis
A Beau’s lines
B Habit tic deformity
C Lichen planus
D Lindsay’s nails
E Muehrcke’s line

All of the following are true regarding calciphylaxis except:
A. Seen in end-stage renal disease
B. Vascular mural calcification occurs late in the process
C. Association with an elevated calcium: phosphate product
D. Association with hyperparathyroidism
E. High morality rate is due to sepsis

An 8-month-old child presents with a silver sheen to her hair, seizures, hepatosplenomegaly, lymph- adenopathy, pancytopenia, recurrent Staph aureus skin infections, and enlarged granules noted within neutrophils on peripheral smear. Which of the following gene defects is most likely to be identified?
A. c-kit
C. Pax3
E. RAB27a

Which of the following glands is not under neural control?
A. Eccrine glands
B. Apocrine glands
C. Salivary glands
D. Sebaceous glands
E. Ceruminous glands

Urticarial vasculitis can be associated with each of the following EXCEPT:
A Connective tissue diseases
B Lymphoreticular malignancies
C Serum sickness
D ACE inhibitors
E Schnitzler’s syndrome

Which of the following is NOT characterized by IgG and/or C3 at the basement membrane zone?
A. Mucosal pemphigoid
B. Pemphigus vulgaris
C. Bullous pemphigoid
D. Pemphigoid gestationis
E. Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita

What is the most likely diagnosis is this 16 year old patient who developed generalized eruption 2 weeks after onset of sore throat due to strep infection?
A. Lichen planus
B. Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
C. Pityriasis rosea
D. Psoriasis
E. Contact dermatitis