Upper Limb Bone of Upper Limb ophthalmology

Q-1. Ossification in fetus starts in
a) 1st week of intrauterine life
b) 2nd week of intrauterine life
c) 5th week of intrauterine life
d) 5th month of intrauterine life

Answer: 5th week of intrauterine life
The first bone in the body to ossify:
The clavicle is the first bone in the body to ossify. Except for its medial end, it ossifies in membrane.
It ossifies from two primary centres and one secondary centre. The two primary centres appear in the shaft between the fifth and sixth weeks of intrauterine life, and fuse about the 45th day.
Important point:
The secondary centre for the medial end appears during 15-17 years, and fuses with the shaft during 21-22 years.

Q-2. The first bone to ossify in membrane is
a) Scaphoid
b) Scapula
c) Clavicle
d) Fibula
e) Femur

Answer: Clavicle
See above explanation

Q-3. Fall on outstretched hand leads to fracture of the following bones
a) Scaphoid bone, capitate and clavicle
b) Scaphoid, clavicle
c) Head of ulna
d) Radial styloid process

Answer: Scaphoid bone, capitate and clavicle
Fall on outstretched hand leads to fracture of the:
Scaphoid bone
Capitate and

Q-4. The structures taking origin from the tip of coracoid process are
a) Short head of biceps
b) Coraco-brachialis
c) Pectoralis minor
d) Long head of biceps

Answer- a and b
The long head of the biceps brachii arises from the supra-glenoid tubercle; and the short head from the lateral part of the tip of the coracoid process.
The Coraco-brachialis arises from the medial part of the tip of the coracoid process.
Pectoralis minor is inserted into the medial border and superior surface of the coracoid process.

Q-5. Muscles attached to the coracoid process
a) Coraco-brachialis
b) Short head of biceps
c) Long head of biceps
d) Pectoralis major
e) Pectoralis minor

Answer: a, b, and e
See above explanation

Q-6. Tip of coracoid process of scapula gives attachment to
a) Long head of biceps muscle
b) Sub-scapularis muscle
c) Short head of biceps muscle
d) Supra – spinatus muscle

Answer: Short head of biceps muscle
See above explanation

Q-7. Each of the following has an attachment to scapula except
a) Pectoralis major
b) Pectoralis minor
c) Biceps brachii
d) Triceps

Answer: Pectoralis major
Pectoralis major:
Anterior surface of medial half of clavicle
Anterior surface of manubrium and sternal up-to to six costal cartilages
Second to six costal cartilage
Aponeurosis of external oblique muscle of abdomen
By a bilateral tendon on the lateral lip of bicipital groove of humerus

Q-8. The following structures are attached to the greater tuberosity of the humerus except
a) Supra-spinatus muscle
b) The coraco-humeral ligament
c) Teres minor muscle
d) Infra-spinatus muscle
e) Sub-scapularis muscle

Answer: b, and e
Structures attached to the greater tuberosity of the humerus:
The supra-spinatus is inserted into the upper most impression on the greater tubercle.
The infra-spinatus is inserted into the middle impression on the greater tubercle.
The teres minor is inserted into the lower impression on the greater tubercle.
Important point:
The multi-pennate sub-scapularis is inserted into the lesser tubercle.

Q-9. Muscles attached to the greater tubercle of humerus
a) Supra spinatus
b) Teres minor
c) Teres major
d) Infra-spinatus
e) Pectoralis major

Answer- a, b and d
See above explanation

Q-10. Ossification centre of the medial epicondyle appears in
a) 5th year
b) 7th year
c) 9th year
d) 11th year

Answer: 5th year
The lower end of humerus ossifies from 4 centres which form 2 epiphyses. The centres include; one for the capitulum and the lateral flange of the trochlea (first year), one for the medial flange of the trochlea (9th year), and one for the lateral epicondyle (12th year); all three fuse during the 14th year to form one epiphysis, which fuses with the shaft at about 16 years.
Important point:
The centre for the medial epicondyle appears during 4-6 years, forms a separate epiphysis and fuses with the shaft during the 20th years.

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Q-11. Nerve damaged due to lunate dislocation (in carpal tunnel)
a) Median & ulnar
b) Median
c) Ulnar
d) Radial

Answer: Median
Median nerve is damaged due to lunate dislocation (in carpal tunnel).

Q-12. Which of the following bones does not form the proximal row of carpal bones?
a) Scaphoid
b) Lunate
c) Triquetral
d) Capitate

Answer: Capitate
Carpal bones:
Proximal row: Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetral and Pisiform
Central row: Absent
Distal row: Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate and Hamate

Q-13. The ossification center of pisiform bone appears at the age of
a) 10-11 Years
b) 12-13 years
c) 14-15 years
d) 15-16 years

Answer: 12-13 years
The ossification center of pisiform bone appears at the age of 12-13 years.