There is a study group for step1 with a 6 month plan. Discussed details in the word file

Hi everyone,

There is a study group for step1 with a 6 month plan. Discussed details in the word file. Thank you!

Outline of the preparation:
(2weeks preparation time/division for everyone. Starting with a week intinsive review then simultaneously doing the review & UW qbank. Before each and every block we share our resources, emphasizing the high yield subtopics and while keeping the deadline in mind *we solve the UW questions together. If we can really work efficiently additional qbanks could be discussed too.)

  1. haematology (started: 25, Sept - ends:08, Oct)
  2. cardiology (starts: 09,Oct – ends: 22,Oct)
  3. endocrinology
  4. immunology
  5. derma-oncology
  6. gastrology (including hepatology)
  7. MSK (rheuma)
  8. neurology
  9. nephrology
  10. respiratory
    (5 months journey)
    Then Micro & biochemistry since we would forget them anyway haha