The tube may slip due to

  1. The tube may slip due to:
    a. Small sized tube.
    b. Pulled out by voilent cough.
    c. Loosely tied tape.
    d. All of the above.

  2. Valvular obstructive emphysema occurs due to:
    a. Partial obstruction of the bronchus.
    b. Complete obstruction of the bronchus.
    c. When the pretrachial fascia is sutured tightly.
    d. Injury of the pleura.

  3. Ulceration of the vocal cord edge (mouth nibbled) occurs in:
    a. TB.
    b. Scleroma.
    c. Syphilis.
    d. Sarcoidosis.

  4. Structures in the larynx responsible for sphincteric function:
    a. Vocal cords.
    b. Ventricular bands.
    c. Aryoepiglottic folds.
    d. All of the above.

  5. Laryngeal stenosis may be due to:
    a. Scleroma.
    b. TB.
    c. High tracheostomy.
    d. All of the above