The fascia separating rectum from coccyx is called

The fascia separating rectum from coccyx is called
a) Scarpa‘s fascia
b) Waldeyer‘s fascia
c) Denonvillier’s fascia
d) Colle’s fascia
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Surgical wound of gastrojejunostomy is an example for
a) Clean wound
b) Clean contaminated wound
c) Contaminated wound
d) Dirty wound

Which of the following carries the least risk of Colonic malignancy?
a) Familial adenomatous polyposis
b) Gardner’s syndrome
c) Villous adenoma
d) Peutz Jegher‘s syndrome

The preferred initial treatment for carcinoma of the anal canal is
a) Abdominoperineal resection
b) Abdominoperineal resection followed by radiotherapy
c) Radiotherapy alone
d) Chemoradiation

Critical limb ischemia occurs when the ankle-brachial index falls to below
a) 0.3
b) 0.5
c) 0.9
d) 1.0

What is the cell of origin of primary lymphoma of the GI tract associated with celiac disease?
a) B—cell
b) T-cell
c) Histiocyte
d) Dendritic cell

Patient with renal failure respiratory distress and hyperventilation will have?
-metabolic acidosis

All the following are indications for thoracotomy in blunt chest injury EXCEPT
a) lnitial drainage of 350 ml of blood from the intercostal drain
b) Continuous bleeding of > 200 ml/hour for 3 hours from intercostals drain
c) Continuous brisk bleeding of >100ml/15 minutes from intercostals drain
d) Rupture of diaphragm

Most frequent site of mandibular fracture is
a) Condylar neck
b) Canine fossa
c) Mandibular body
d) Symphysis menti

Sizing a one piece hard collar:-

• Measure the distance from the top of the patient’s shoulder to the angle of the jaw with your hand (image 1)
• On the collar, measure from the bottom of the rigid plastic to the “measuring post”. This should correspond to the above measurement (image 2)
• Check that the collar fits correctly
• The neck should not be overextended
• The mouth should not be able to be fully opened( image -3)

All the following are used in pneumatosis cystoids intestinalis EXCEPT
a) High flow oxygen
b) Albendazole
c) Metronidazole
d) Sulphasalazine