The Benedikt syndrome

Which syndrome includes cranial nerve III palsy, contralateral decreased sensation, and contralateral tremor in the extremities?

  1. Benedikt syndrome
  2. Weber syndrome
  3. Nothnagel syndrome
  4. Tolosa–Hunt syndrome


The location of a lesion affecting the oculomotor nerve can be determined by the associated neurologic deficits. An oculomotor brainstem lesion also involving the ipsilateral cerebral peduncle causes contralateral hemiparesis (Weber syndrome). Cranial nerve III palsy with contralateral decreased sensation and contralateral tremor (red nucleus affected) is Benedikt syndrome. Nothnagel syndrome has involvement of the brachium conjunctivum and cerebellar ataxia. Tolosa–Hunt syndrome, caused by inflammation of the cavernous sinus, involves multiple cranial nerves. Prompt resolution occurs with corticosteroid treatment.