Surgery Questions: by DR.RRM, Q6-Q10

  1. Feline Esophagus is
    a. Eosinophilic Esophagitis
    b. GERD***
    c. Radiation esophagitis
    d. ??

  2. Identify the image:
    a. Stent for Bile duct obstruction by malignancy
    b. DJ stent after ESWL****
    c. ?
    d. ?

  3. Most appropriate initial method of investigation for carcinoma head of pancreas
    a. EUS guided Transgastric biopsy***
    b. CECT guided Biopsy
    c. MRI guided biopsy
    d. Laparoscopic Biopsy

  4. In fasciotomy the layers that are opened are
    a. Skin, SC tissue and superficial fascia
    b. Skin, SC tissue alone cut
    c. Skin alone cut
    d. Skin, SC tissue, Superficial fascia and Deep fascia ***

  5. Six years old child with Obstructed hernia on Exploration bowel was found gangrenous- True about anastomosis
    a. Should be done by continuous layers as it takes less time
    b. Done with catgut
    c. Should be done by using single layer seromuscular lambert sutures
    d. Single layer taking submucosa.*