Regarding PCOD, all are true except?

  1. In expectant management of placenta praevia, all are done except?
    A. Cervical encirclage
    B. Anti D administration
    C. Corticosteroids administration
    D. Blood transfusion
    1. Ans. A. Cervical encirclage

  2. Best test/Gold standard test for assesing HCG function
    A. Radioimmunoassay
    B. ELISA
    C. Latex test
    D. Bioassay
    2. Ans. A. Radioimmunoassay

  3. Causes of primary amenorrhoea are all except?
    A. Rokintasky syndrome
    B. Kallaman syndrome
    C. Sheehan syndrome
    D.Turner syndrome
    3. Ans. C. Sheehan syndrome

  4. Which of the following is not a contraindication for pregnancy?
    A. WPW syndrome
    B. Pulmonary hypertension
    C. Eisenmenger syndrome
    D. Marfan syndrome with aortic root dilatation
    4. Ans. A. WPW syndrome

  5. Weight gain in pregnancy is related to all except?
    A. Ethnicity
    B. Smoking
    C. Socioeconomic status
    D. Pre conceptional weight
    5. Ans. B. Smoking

  6. Regarding PCOD, all are true except?
    A. High LH/FSH
    B. High DHEAS
    C.Markedly high prolactin
    D. Raised LH
    6. Ans. C.Markedly high prolactin

  7. Best marker for intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy is?
    A. Bile acids
    B. Liver enzymes(AST & ALT)
    C. Bilirubin
    D. Alkaline phosphatase
    7. Ans. A. Bile acids

  8. Feature of obstructive azoospermia is?
    A. High FSH, high testosterone
    B. Low FSH, high testosterone
    C. High FSH, low testosterone
    D. Normal FSH, normal testosterone
    8. Ans. D. Normal FSH, normal testosterone

  9. Which of the following contraception method is contraindicated in women with epilepsy?
    A. Oral Contraceptive pill
    B. IUCD
    C. Condom
    D. Mifepristone
    9. Ans. A. Oral Contraceptive pill

  10. Low dose oral contraceptive pill contains?
    A. Levonorgestrel
    B. Norgestrel
    C. Desogestrel
    D. Norethihisterone
    10. Ans. C. Desogestrel

  11. Mother to baby transwermission of HIV can be minimised by all except?
    A. Zidovudine
    B. HAART
    C. Vaginal delivery
    D. Avoidance of breast feeding
    11. Ans. C. Vaginal delivery

  12. A primigravida at 37 weeks of gestation presents with 1 cm dialated cervix which is uneffaced, uterine contractions & pain suggestive of labour since 10 hrs . What is management?
    A. Sedate the patient and wait
    B. LSCS
    C. Amniotomy
    D. Induction with membrane rupture
    12. Ans. A. Sedate the patient and wait

  13. A primigravida in 1st trimester had sputum positive for acid fast bacillus. What is the preferred treatment?
    A. Treatment deferred till 2nd trimester
    B. Category 1 DOTS
    C. Category 2 DOTS
    D. Category 3 DOTS
    13. Ans. B. Category 1 DOTS

  14. A 45 year old lady presented with DUB & USG finding of 8mm thick endometrium. What is the next step?
    A. Endometrial histopathology
    B. Hysterectomy
    C. OCP
    D. Follow up
    14. Ans. A. Endometrial histopathology

  15. Fallopian tube dysmotility is seen in?
    A. Churg strauss syndrome
    B. Kartagener’s syndrome
    C. Noonan syndrome
    D. Turner syndrome
    15. Ans. B. Kartagener’s syndrome

  16. Best marker for open nural tube defect.
    16. Ans. A.Acetylcholinesterase

  17. All of the following are done in management of shoulder dystocia except?
    A. Maurieauceli veit maneuver
    B. Suprapubic pressure
    C. McRoberts maneuver
    D. Woods maneuver
    17. Ans. A. A. Maurieauceli veit maneuver

  18. Which of the following are not associated with menstrual cycle?
    A. Hormonal changes
    B. Vaginal cytology changes
    C. Estrus profile
    D. Endometrial changes
    18. Ans. C. Estrus profile

  19. Confined Blood Chimerism is associated with?
    A. Dichorionic diamniotic twins
    B. Monochorionic diamniotic twins
    C. Singleton pregnancy
    D. Monochorionic Monoamniotic twins
    19. Ans. B. Monochorionic diamniotic twins

  20. Which of the following is not an evidence based treatment for menorrhagia?
    A. Ethamsylate
    C.Tranexamic acid
    D. Progesterone
    20. Ans. A. Ethamsylate

  21. True regarding chlamydia is?
    A. Culture of endocervical discharge can be used for isolation of organism
    B. Patient using OCP’s are at higher risk for Chlamydia infection
    C. Most of genital Chlamydia infections are asymptomatic
    D. Penicillin is drug of choice
    21. Ans. B. Patient using OCP’s are at higher risk for Chlamydia infection

  22. A female presents with XO genotype and Primary amenorrhoea.What is most likely diagnosis-
    A. Gonadal dysgenesis
    B. Androgen insensitivity syndrome.
    C. MRKH
    22. Ans:A Gonadal dysgenesis