Psychiatry: AIIMS NOV 2013

Q-1. According to ICD -10 for the diagnosis of mania how much duration is required?
a) 1 week
b) 2 Week
c) 3 week
d) 4 week

Answer: 1 week
The duration criteria for:
Hypomania-4 days
Mania-1 week
Depression-2 weeks
Schizophrenia-4 weeks

Q-2. Best nonmedical therapy of depression is
a) Counseling
b) Group therapy
c) Psychodynamic therapy
d) Cognitive behavior therapy

Answer: Cognitive behavior therapy
Psychotherapy of depression:
Cognitive behavior therapy (Behavioral therapy of choice):
The goal of cognitive behavioral therapy is to help a person learn to recognize negative patterns of thought, evaluate their validity, and replace them with healthier ways of thinking.
Interpersonal therapy:
With IPT the emphasis is on identifying issues and problems in interpersonal relationships and learning ways to address and improve them.
Psychodynamic therapy:
The goal of this type of therapy is for the patient to understand and cope better with these feelings by talking about the experiences.

Q-3. Wave B tracing in EEG is found in
a) REM sleep
b) NREM sleep
c) Quiet wakefulness
d) Awake

Answer: Awake
Alpha wave:
Frequency: 8 Hz -12 Hz
Normal eye closed wake EEG (Resting wakefulness)
Beta wave:
Frequency: 12 Hz – 27 Hz
Wide awake EEG