PHYSIOLOGY sample question and answer

  1. 90% of CO 2 in blood is transported as

A. Dissolved CO2
B. HCO3-
C. Carboxy haemoglobin
D. Carbamino haemoglobin

Ans. B

  1. Hardy-Weinberg law is used to predict inheritance of which of the following type
    A. autosomal dominant
    B. autosomal recessive
    C. x-linked dominant
    D. x-linked recessive

Ans. B

  1. Intercalating bridges in sarcomere are formed by

A. actin
B. myosin
C. tropomyosin
D. calmodulin

Ans. A

  1. Blood flow changes are least during exercise in

A. Brain
B. Heart
C. Skin

Ans. A

  1. The main fuel used during starvation by a healthy adult is

A. free fatty acids
B. amino acids
C. glucose
D. ketone body

Ans. C?

  1. Which of the following sensations is not converging on hypothalamus

A. smell
B. fine touch
C. hearing
D. vision
Ans. C

  1. If acid is added to a medium containing intact mitochondria which of the following is seen

A. uncoupling of phosphorylation
B. inhibition of Electron Transport Chain
C. inhibition of phosphorylation
D. generation of ATP

  1. Instrumental conditioning in learning was introduced and demonstrated by

A. Pavlov
B. Skinner
C. Freud
D. Watson

Ans. B?

  1. Endothelium derived relaxation factor is supposed to be

A. Nitric oxide

Ans. A

  1. The fine movements of voluntary muscles are controlled by

A. Anterior corticospinal tract
B. Lateral corticospinal tract
C. Tectospinal
D. Vestibulospinal
