Online Test Series 115

Which of the following is the treatment of choice for true precocious puberty?

1. Androgen blocking agents
2. GnRH
3. Surgical removal of hypothalamic tumor
4. LH 

Where is the urethral crest located?

1. Penile urethra
2. Bulbar urethra
3. Prostatic urethra
4. Membranous urethra 

Which of the following is the most common complication of mumps in children?

1. Meningoencephalitis
2. Conjunctivitis
3. Orchitis
4. Myocarditis 

Most common type of vitiligo is?

1. Focal vitiligo
2. Segmental vitiligo
3. Generalized vitiligo
4. Mucosal vitiligo 

Which of the following is an integrase inhibitor currently in use for the treatment of HIV infection?

1. Raltegravir
2. Saquinavir
3. Elvitegravir
4. Indinavir 

Tetracycline is used for the prophylaxis of?

1. Cholera
2. Leptospirosis
3. Meningitis
4. Brucellosis 

Tolerance develops to all of the following effects of opioids except?

1. Euphoria
2. Miosis
3. Analgesia
4. Nausea 

Which of the following is a topical NSAID for ophthalmic use?

1. Diflunisal
2. Ibuprofen
3. Nepafenac
4. Oxaprozin 

Rave drug is?

1. Hashish
2. Cannabis
3. Ecstasy
4. Heroin 

Pulmonary compliance is not decreased in?

1. Pulmonary fibrosis
2. Decreased surfactant production
4. Pulmonary congestion