NIMHANS PG Paper 2002 (Part 8 of 14)

In Normal distribution curve

  1. Is bell shaped, symmetrical and on the x axis

  2. Occurs only in normal people

  3. Median = mode = mean

  • Regarding mean, median and mode

    1. Mode-nominal value

    2. Mean-is sensitive to extreme values

    3. Median-is not sensitive to extreme values

  • Categorical values are

    1. Age

    2. Weight

    3. Gender

  • Atypical antipshycotics are

    1. Clozapine

    2. Olanzapine

    3. Metrizamide

  • Regarding Pick's disease

    1. Neurofibrillary tangles are seen

    2. Posterior 2/3rd temporal lobe atrophy accurs

    3. Sparing of caudate lobe and putamen

  • About Prion disease correct are, it is

    1. Fatal familial insomnia

    2. Lewy body disease

    3. Lyme's disease

  • Sleep in the elderly true is

    1. REM sleep decreased to 5 %

    2. Stage 4 sleep increased

    3. Sleep cycle unlatered

  • True about treatment of menorrhagia is

    1. Naproxen

    2. Traneaxamic acid

    3. Diazoxide

  • In clinical trials true are

    1. Step I: Animal trial

    2. Step II: Trial in healthy volunteers

    3. Step III: Concerns drug marketing

  • The correct matches are

    1. Arsenic-blue gum's line

    2. Manganese-parkinsonism

    3. Asbestos-lung carcinoma