Mcc qualifying exam-1 mcqs

1.Which one of the following shows cross-tolerance with diazepam?


2.During a 1-year period, you diagnose three new cases of malignant melanoma among patients in your practice. Which one of the following is the most appropriate confirmation of a cluster?

All of the cases have lived in the same neighborhood for several years.
The observed number of cases in your practice during the past year is significantly higher than during previous years.
The observed number of cases in the area is significantly higher than the expected number in a reference population.
They are all above age 50 and have worked outdoors.
They are all white men.

3.A 10-year-old boy is brought to your office because he has been failing in school. Physical examination reveals a height of 160 cm (> 95th percentile). He has mild gynecomastia. What is the best initial diagnostic test to order?

Chromosome analysis.
Thyroid function studies.
Computed tomography scan of the head.
Serum growth hormone levels.

4.A 57-year-old gravida 5, para 5 woman presents with involuntary loss of urine. Her menopause was at age 51, and she is not on hormone replacement therapy. When examined in the lithotomy position with a full bladder she is asked to cough. Which one of the following would be most suggestive of a diagnosis of uninhibited detrusor contraction?

Short spurts of urine escaping with each cough.
Delayed leakage or loss of large volume of urine.
Appearance of a bulge in the anterior vaginal wall.
Appearance of the cervix at the introitus.
Loss of urine only occuring when reexamined in the standing position.