In perforation of a post gastric ulcer, where will the fluid accumulate in the peritoneal cavity?

In perforation of a post gastric ulcer, where will the fluid accumulate in the peritoneal cavity? a. Left paracolic gutter b. Pelvic cavity c. Lesser sac d. Under the diaphragm e. Right paracolic gutter

  1. Post gastric ulcer got perforated leading to bleeding involving the gastro-duodenal artery. Where would fluid accumulate in the cavity? a. Left paracolic gutter b. Pelvic cavity c. First part of duodenum d. Under the diaphragm e. Retroperitoneal

A young lady presents with gradually worsening headaches, visual disturbance, and
lack of energy. MRI shows 15mm tumor in the pituitary fossa. What is the tx of choice?
a. Radiotherapy
b. Octreotide
c. Reassurance and f/u after 6m
d. Surgery
e. Chemotherapy

An 11yo boy is being checked by the diabetic specialist nurse. His HbA1c was high and he has been skipping meals recently. He has been unhappy at school. Which single member of the
clinical team would you refer him to next? a. GP
b. Pediatrician
c. Dietician
d. Clinical psychologist

A 46yr old male presents with drowsiness and confusion.what is the likely diagnosis
A. Cryptococcus neoformans
B. Toxoplasma gondii
C. Hsv
d. Cmv
E. Candida albicans

A 46yo man is being investigated for indigestion. Jejunal biopsy shows deposition of macrophages containing PAS (Periodic acid-schiff) +ve granules. What is the most likely dx?

a. Bacterial overgrowth

b. Celiac disease

c. Tropical sprue

d. Whipple’s disease

e. Small bowel lymphoma

A 64 yo old man who has urinary frequency for past 2y now complains of Anuria. He is taking nifedipine and propranolol. What’s the mechanism of anuria.

A. Drug induced
B. Enlarged prostate

A 55 year old gentleman is in ICU 48 hours after being diagnosed with myocardial infarction. He now complains of palpitations. His blood pressure and heart rate is normal. What is the single most likely diagnosis?
a. Ventricular Ectopics
b. VF
c. VT
d. AF
e. Complete heart block

I have some queries and I’d be grateful if you could guide me.

  1. I’m a 52 years old man with 20 years of experience and a few years of career gap. Now my question is, considering my age and career gap, will I be able to clear PLAB2?
  2. If yes, how much time will I need, to prepare myself well enough for this exam?
  3. I heard fantastic reviews about dr Hameed’s PLAB2 academy. How can I enrol in to his course? What is the process and how can I get more information about his course?

24 year old woman presents wid offensive bloody vaginal discharge . On exam the cervix appears to be ulcerated , what single most appropriate investgation?
a. colposcopy
b. cervical smear ad biopsy
c. cervical smear
d. cystoscopy
e. CT scan

An 18 year old young female is losing weight despite eating 3 times a day. The skin on her bottom is flaccid. What is the definitive diagnosis? A) jejunal biopsy. b) duodenal biopsy. C) endomysial antibody. D) anti reticulin e) anti glutaminase

Amitryptyline overdose
A. Check drug level
B. Monitor ecg
C. Monitor urinary output