Important points for 2018 AIIMS/NEET

  1. The Percentage of blood alcohol in the stage of “dead drunk” is 0.5%.
  2. Pisiform gets ossified by 12 yrs of age.
  3. By 14 yrs. patella gets ossified.
  4. Anterior fontanelle closes by 18 months of age.
  5. The height of a child is double of birth height by 4 years of age,
  6. Under IPC, a person below 7 years is not criminally responsible.
  7. Fatal period of Datura poisoning is 24 hours.
  8. In India, rigor mortis sets within 1-2 hours.
  9. While dispatching blood and urine for chemical analysis, sodium fluoride is added as preservative in concentration of 50 mg/10ml.
  10. Critical level of alcohol in blood is 0.15%.
  11. The minimum age for giving consent for surgery is 18 years.
  12. In fractured ends of bone, soft provisional callus is formed by 15 hours.
  13. The minimum time required for adipocere formation in a dead body is 21 days.
  14. Indian Medical Council Act was enacted in 1956.
  15. Mental retardation is I.Q. Below 70.
  16. Ratio between ethyl alcohol in blood to urine is 1:1.33
  17. Gas rigidity appears after 72 hours.
  18. Marbling is noticed by 36 hours.
  19. Full development of rigor mortis takes about 12 hours.
  20. In exhumation, 6-7 samples of earth are collected.
  21. Intercourse with wife below 15 years of age is considerable rape.
  22. Fatal period of aconite isusually 1-5 hours.
  23. Cooling of body is gradual upto 1-3 hours.
  24. Hypostasis is mottled within first 3 hours of death.
  25. Killing range of a militry rifle is 3000 yards.
  26. Juvenile offender is a person under 16 years
  27. The dispersion of pellets is seen usually at distance beyond 10 feet.
  28. In a gunshot wound, the presence of singeing of hair or charring of skin denotes a fire up to 18 inches.
  29. Dispersion of pellets in shotgun injury is calculated as dispersion in inches = 1.5 times the dispersion in yards.
  30. An infant born before 210 days is not legally considered capable of maintaining a separate existence.
  31. A bruise showing bluish black discolouration is 4 days old.
  32. The upper limit of safety for carbon monoxide in air is 0.01%.
  33. Rh positivity in India is 93%.
  34. In an abrasion, the scab usually dries and falls between 4-6 days.
  35. Fatal dose of opium is 2 gm.
  36. The range of an air rifle is about 90 yards.
  37. Mixed dentition is seen in children between 6-12 years of age.
  38. Basisphenoid unites the basi-occiput at the age to 22 years.
  39. First permanent molar appears at age of 6-7 years.
  40. Judicial first class Magistrate can pass a sentence of imprisonment upto 3 years.
  41. Age of maturity for those under court of wards is 21 years. In India, sexual maturity is gained at 14 years of age.
  42. The degree of accuracy in determining sex from long bones is 80%.
  43. Fatal period of sulphuric acid poisoning is 18-24 hours.
  44. Multiplying factors for estimating stature from humerus and femur in
  45. males are 5-5.3 and 3.6-3.8 respectively.
  46. Colliquative liquefaction is seen within 1 week after death.
  47. A contusion assumes green colour by 6 days.
  48. Marriage age for boys and girls are 21 years and 18 years respectively.
  49. Internal organs take 24 hours to cool. A person becomes major at the
  50. age of 18 years. Eruption of temporary teeth is completed by 2 to 2.5 years.
  51. Foetal parts can be detected on plain X-ray usually by 16 weeks.
  52. Child below 12 years is not required to take an oath.
  53. Xiphoid process unites with sternum at age of 40 years.
  54. Cranial capacity is 10% less in females.
  55. Nuclear features persist in decomposition for a period of 2-3 years.
  56. Precipitin test is positive to be opium in dead body upto 10 years.
  57. After death, benzidine test is positive upto 150 years. Bones begin to
  58. decompose after death in 3-10 years.
  59. Less than 7 aminoacids in bone suggest age of bone after death as
  60. more than 100 years. The rate of cooling of body in first 6 hours is 2.5°F and
  61. in next 6 hours as 1.5"-2.0cF. Victim of drowning in a state of suspended
  62. animation can be revived as long as 10-20 minutes.
  63. Centre of ossification for pisiform bone appears at an age of 10-12 years.
  64. The floatation time in summer for a dead body after drowning is one day.
  65. The age of 15 years old female is best determined by the radiography of upper end of radius and ulna.
  66. Maggots in a dead body do not appear before 48 hours.
  67. Hairs become loose after 72 hours of death.
  68. Epiphyseal union of sternal end of clavicle occurs at age of 22 years.
  69. Washer woman’s hands and feet usually occur within 12-18 hours.
  70. Saponification in drowning occurs in about 5 weeks.
  71. Death ensues in about 5 mts. of complete submersion.
  72. By ABO.RH, MN systems the exclusion of Paternity is about 50%.
  73. Estimation of Age from eruption of teeth is possible upto 17 to 21 years
  74. of age. Gustafson’s method for estimation age of adult over 21 years.
  75. In poisoning by salicylates, the Gastric lavage is useful upto 24 hours.
  76. The age of consent for medical examination in cases of rape is minimum 12 years.
  77. If a person is absent from his usual haunts, and has not been heard for
  78. 7 hears, he is presumed to be dead.
  79. Infanticide means unlawful destruction of child below 1 year of age.
  80. By ABO, Rh, MN systems the exclusion of Paternity is about 50%
  81. Estimation of Age from eruption of teeth is possible upto 17 to 21 years of age
  82. In poisoning by salicylates, the Gastric lavage is useful upto 24 hours
  83. The age of consent for medical examination in cases of rape is minimum 12 years
  84. In sin of Gomorrah, buccal swabs are useful upto 9 hours
  85. In most countries, breath alcohol concentration 35 mg/100 ml is
  86. considered an offence After absorption, the ratio of alcohol in blood and urine
  87. is constant and is 1:1.31 Histologically, reticulum fibres in an abrasion are seen on 8 days
  88. Widmark’s formula for urine analysis of alcohol is 3/4 prq
  89. Pancreas constitute 0.1% of body weight
  90. Punishment for false evidence is given under section 193 of IPC
  91. Length of a female larynx is about 3.8 cm
  92. Calcification of third molar begins at 8-10 years.
  93. Lip prints on cheiloscopy are divided into 8 patterns
  94. ?gm tablet of aluminium phosphide is able to liberate 1.0 gm
  95. The diameter of "human hair at 15 years of age is 0.053 ram *
  96. Alcohol gaze nystagmus is produced at an average blood levels of 80 mg%
  97. The residual alcohol in mouth takes about 20 min to disappear and
  98. within this period breath analyser test may be false positive
  99. Skeletal muscles constitute about 29% of body weight
  100. Term ‘under the influence’ of alcohol is used when blood concentration is 80-100mg%
  101. Statutory rape is rape under 15 years of age
  102. Weight for occluding internal jugular vein hanging is 2 kg
  103. Majority of deaths due to Aluminium phosphide occurs in within 24 hours
  104. During sleep, rectal temperature is 0.5-1.0°C lower
  105. Drowned body floats in about 12-18 hours in summer S
  106. Bones constitute about 12% of body weight
  107. Absence of III molar tooth indicates that the person is definitely under the age of 17 years
  108. In a dead body, maggots in rainy day are seen in 6 hours.
  109. Arsenic, Aconite and Dhatura are generally used as homicidal poisons.
  110. Ricin is the active principle of croton oil seed.
  111. Abrin is the active principle of abrus precatorius.
  112. Soneryl is a coloured babriturate.
  113. Breath alcohol can be measured by Alcometer or Drunkometer.
  114. The fatal dose of Dhatura is about one grain.
  115. Physostigmine can be regarded as the specific antidote of Dhatura.
  116. Amygdaline is the glucosides of vegetable origin found in cyanides.
  117. The process of putrefaction can be retarded by carbon monoxide gas.
  118. Euthanasia means “Mercy killing”.
  119. Joule burn is seen in electrocution.
  120. Amyl nitrate is an antidote for poisoning due to hydrocyanic acid.
  121. Olive green discoloration of urine on exposure to air is seen in poisoning due to carbolic acid.
  122. Overlying is a type of smothering.
  123. Optic atrophy is the characteristic feature of poisoning by methyl alcohol.
  124. Dryness of mouth, dilated pupils and delirium are symptoms of Dhatura poisoning. (All 'D’s)
  125. The first permanent tooth to erupt is first molar.
  126. Dying declaration can be recorded by a medical officer.
  127. Presence of fine white leathery froth in mouth and nostrils is seen in drowning.
  128. Privation of any member of joint is a grievous hurt.
  129. Pugilistic attitude is seen in burn death due to coagulation of proteins.
  130. Dying declaration should be recorded by Magistrate.
  131. Nalorphine is an antidote for morphine.
  132. Locard’s principle states that every contact leaves a trace.
  133. The strongest corrosive poison is sulphuric acid.
  134. Arborescent markings are seen in lightening.
  135. Before performing Postmortem examination, body should be identified by Policemen.
  136. Warrant case means a case relating to an offence punishable with death, imprisonment for life or for a term exceeding two years.
  137. In civil cases, a reasonable sum for travelling expenses is generally tendered when the summons is served. This is known as conduct money. It is paid by the party that has called his as a witness.
  138. Hair cells are of special interest in cell sexing since both Barr body andY chromosome can be demonstrated.
  139. Nails, hairs and long bones are preserved in cases of chronic arsenic poisoning.
  140. Postmortem fibrinous clots in heart are known as “Cardiac polyp”.
  141. The surest sign of death is putrefaction.
  142. The rigor mortis start first at upper eye-lids.
  143. Dribbling of saliva from the angle of the mouth is generally considered as the surest sign of hanging.
  144. Presence of soot in respiratory tract is the surest sign of burn.
  145. Strong sulphuric acid when thrown on the face of a person is known as “Vitreol throwing”.
  146. Black gun powder consists of potassium nitrate, sulphur, and charcoal.
  147. Nitrocellulose or Nitroglycerine is used as a smokeless gun powder.
  148. Richochette bullet is one which strikes any other surface before striking the object.
  149. The pulmonary lesion in the injury of air blast is called “Blast lung”.
  150. Loss of virginity is called defloration.
  151. The Buccal coitus is called “Sin of Gomorrah”.
  152. The commission of sexual assalut upon a dead body is called “Necrophily”.
  153. “Testamentary capcity” is the capacity of a person to make a valid will.
  154. Malpraxis is defined as want of reasonable skill and or willful negligence
  155. on the part of doctor resulting in deterioration of patients’ health or his death.
  156. Copper sulphate is used as an antidote to phsophorus.
  157. ‘Gyroget’ are cartridges or miniature rockets driven by solid fuel, which
  158. produces considerable heat and smokeless gas on burning.
  159. Forensic means courts of law.
  160. Deposition means a statement on oath made by a witness in a judicial proceeding. It is taken down in writing and signed by the witness and magistrate.
  161. Document means any matter expressed or described upon any substance by means of letters, figures or marks, or by more than one of these means.
  162. Evidence includes all legal means which help to prove or disprove any matter of fat, the truth of which is submitted to judicial investigation. It can be oral (direct, indirect or hearsay), documentary & circumstantial.
  163. Hurt is defined as bodily pain, disease or infirmity caused to any person.
  164. Injury includes every inquiry other than a trial, conducted by a Magistrate or court.
  165. Investigation includes all the proceedings for the collection of evidence conducted by a Police officer or by any person other than a magistrate who is authorised by a magistrate on his behalf.
  166. Jury means a body of persons sworn to render verdict in a court of justice. It is composed of uneven number and not less than 7 and more than 9 persons.
  167. Offence means any act of omission made punishable by law for the time