I graduated from UMF Carol Davila in Bucharest

Hey everyone. This post is for non-EU nationals who have studied in an EU country, and hence have never officially done an internship (as it isn’t part of the 6-year MD program) but would like apply for full GMC registration with a license to practice.

It’s kind of a late post, but I figured better late than never. So I got my full gmc registration back in June, and I remember for a whole month before that I was so lost and asking around on Facebook groups trying to find someone in my situation that can help me and I told myself that if I manage to get my full gmc registration then I definitely needed to make a post about this.

So I graduated from UMF Carol Davila in Bucharest, Romania and an internship isn’t part of the curriculum yet you’re still a fully licensed doctor once you graduate. EU nationals who graduate from Europe don’t have to fill in any internship details or provide proof of internship details when applying for full GMC registration. However that is not the case for non-EU nationals and I found out that a lot of people actually got their applications rejected because they either couldn’t provide a proof of internship, or for some other reasons.

Anyway after talking to many people who have gone through that, I found out from those who succeeded what exactly you need to do.

What I did was I filled my internship details section with my rotations from my 5th and 6th years. So I basically considered my 5th and 6th years to be the internship year. I didn’t wanna use only the 6th year because that would be less than 12 months, and wouldn’t include enough medical and surgical specialties (hence wouldn’t fulfill the internship criteria). And thankfully they didn’t really say anything about the summer break, and other breaks throughout the 2 years. I asked the office of international students at my university to issue me a paper with rotations from 5th-6th years and include the start and end date of each rotation. The paper I was issued clearly said “certificate of internship” and in the end it explained that my practical training is in accordance with EU norms. I submitted my application with the documents, and 5 days later I got the approval email. And I found out that with the GMC less is more, just keep it simple and straight to the point and avoid any hassle.

Throughout this process I received help from a few really great people, and so I hope this helps at least someone. Good luck! And any questions please ask. :blush: