Clinical Methods in Medicine (Clinical Skills and Practices) – 1st edition

Clinical Methods in Medicine (Clinical Skills and Practices) – 1st edition

Clinical Methods in Medicine (Clinical Skills and Practices) – 1st edition

Provides the students an opportunity to get acquainted with the secrets of history taking and clinical examination

and then take the help of appropriate bedside investigations so as to plan the management. The basic aim of the

book is to describe the various skills in taking a history and step by step clinical examination including general

physical and systemic examination. Unit I is devoted to history taking and analysis of the symptoms pertaining to

various systems. Unit II concentrates on the clinical examination, includes first ten chapters on detailed general

physical examination while next ten chapters of Unit III deals with the proper systemic examination. The approach of

this book is basic, i.e. to start with the history taking and then proceed to analyse the symptoms and discuss their

significance and then find all what is normal or what is abnormal on physical examination. The examination sequence

is detailed, abnormal findings to be noted on inspection or palpation also detailed and relevance of abnormal

findings discussed simultaneously. Throughout the book, the “key points” are highlighted in the boxes.