AIPPG Paper 2002 (Part 12 of 25)

Membranous glomerulonephritis is associated with

  1. Renal vein thrombosis

  2. Hodgkins disease

  3. Subepithelial dense deposits

  4. Heamturia

  5. Acute nephritis

  • Sensorineural deafness is seen in

    1. Alports syndrome

    2. Pierre Robins syndrome

    3. Pendreds syndrome

    4. Treacher Collins syndrome

    5. Gauchers syndrome

  • Heamoptysis is seen in

    1. Mitral stenosis

    2. Bronchogenic carcinoma

    3. Bronchiectasis

    4. Pneumonia

    5. Empyema

  • Morphine can be administered as

    1. Inhalation

    2. Rectal

    3. Subcutaneous

    4. IV

    5. Intramuscular

  • Properties making cardioselective beta blockers desirable are

    1. Lesser Bronchoconstriction

    2. No adverse effect on lipid profile

    3. Less glucose intolerance

    4. Can be used in Raynauds disease

    5. Lesser AV block

  • Arteriolar dilators used in the treatment of congestive heart failure include

    1. Hydralizine

    2. Nifedipine

    3. Prazosin

    4. Enalapril

    5. Nitrates

  • Diseases caused by EBV include

    1. Infectious mononucleosis

    2. Burkitts lymphoma

    3. Kaposi's sarcoma

    4. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma

    5. Herpangina

  • High hepatic extraction ration is seen

    1. Propranolol

    2. Lidocaine

    3. Diazepam

    4. Phenytoin

    5. Theophylline

  • The drugs which increase level of theophilline include

    1. Ciprofloxacin

    2. Barbiturates

    3. Cimetidine

    4. Allopurinol

    5. Phenytoin

  • Antipsychotics with lesser extrapyramidal side effects include

    1. Clozapine

    2. Respiridone

    3. Thioridazine

    4. Chlorpromazine

    5. Haloperidol