Aiims anatomy mcqs

Q 1. The carpal tunnel contains all of the following important structures
A. Median nerve. B. Flexor pollicis longus.
C. Flexor carpi radialis.
D. Flexor digitorum superficialis.
Ans. C
Q 2. The femoral ring is bounded by the following structures except:
A. Femoral vein. B. Inguinal ligament.
C. Femoral artery.
D. Lacunar ligament.
Ans. C
Q 3. All of the following statements regarding vas deferens are true except:
A. The terminal part is dilated to form ampulla. B. It crosses ureter in the region of ischial spine.
C. It passes lateral to inferior epigastric artery at deep inguinal ring.
D. It is separated from the base of bladder by the peritoneum.
Ans. D
Q 4. The following statements concerning chorda tympani nerve are true except
that it:
A. Carries secretomotor fibers to slubmandibular gland.
B. Joins lingual nerve in infratemporal fossa
C. Is a branch of facial nerve.
D. Contains postganglionic parasympathetic fibers.
Ans. D
Q 5. The type of joint between the sacrum and coccyx is a:
A. Symphysis B. Syostosis
C. Synchondrosis
D. Syndesmosis
Ans. A
Q 6. The prostatic urethra is characterized by all of the following geatures,
except that it:
A. Is the widest and most dilatable part. B. Presents a concavity posteriorly.
C. Lies closer to anterior surface of prostate.
D. Receives prostatic ductules along its posterior wall.
Ans. B
Q 7. The following group of lymph nodes receives lymphatics from the uterus
A. External iliac. B. Internal iliac.
C. Superficial inguinal.
D. Deep inguinal
Ans. D
Q 8. All of the following physiological processes occur during the growth at the
epiphyseal plate except;
A. Proliferation and hypertrophy. B. Calcification and ossification.
C. Vasculogenesis and erosion.
D. Replacement of red bone marrow with yellow marrow.
Ans. D
Q 9. Benign prostatic hypertrophy results in obstruction of the urinary tract.
The specific condition is associated with enlargement of the:
A. Entire prostate gland. B. Lateral lobes.
C. Median lobe.
D. Posterior lobes.
Ans. C
Q 10. In an adult male, on per rectal examination, the following structures can
be felt anteriorly except:
A. Internal iliac lymph nodes.
B. Bulb of the penis.
C. Prostate.
D. Seminal vesicle when enlarged.
Ans. A
Q 11. While doing thoracocentesis, it is advisable to introduce needle along:
A. Upper border of the rib.
B. Lower border of the rib.
C. In the center of the intercostals space.
D. In anterior part of intercostals space.
Ans. A
Q 12. All of the following are branches of the external carotid artery except:
A. Superior thyroid artery.
B. Anterior ethmoidal artery.
C. Occipital artery.
D. Posterior auricular artery.
Ans. B
Q 13. Barr body is found in the following phase of the cell cycle:
A. Interphase.
B. Metaplase.
C. G1 phase.
D. Telophase.
Ans. A