A Child with URTI

  1. A Child with URTI, 2 days later he developed few blood cells and +protein in urine, after 1 week urine analysis with glomerular RBCs but no cast. What’s the diagnosis?
    A) PSCGN
    B) IgA nephropathy
    C) Nephrotic syndrome
    D) Benign transient proteinuria
  2. child with URTI, protein+, RBC+ on urinalysis, came back 2wk later, urine, RBC+ of non-glomerular origin, no cast. Which investigation?
    A- Urine culture ans
    B- ASTO
    C- USD
    D- DMSA
    E- Renal Bx
  3. Girl presented with proteinuria and traces of blood in urine after falling from a tree , asymptomatic
    Reaction to trauma
    IgA nephropathy
    Thin membrane GN
  4. Middle aged man who is hypertensive and just treated for his helicobacter pylori with triple therapy. Now comes with urine protein and haematuria with 3-4renal cysts seen on USG. Diagnosis?
    a. PKD
    b. IgA Nephropathy
    c. Nephrotic syndrome
    d. Acute Interstitial NephritiS ans( most commonly caused by nsaids,sulfa drugs and amoxiciilin)
  5. years old pt having htn previously presented with abdominal pain u gave him ppi later he presented again with lumbar pain and high bp. All labs were normal. On usg there were 3 cyst in left kidney and 2 cysts in right kidney. Dx
    A. Iga nephropathy
    B. Nephrotic
    C. Polycystic kidney disease ans
    D. Glomerulonephritis
    No option was of nephritis
  6. Male, 30 yrs painless heamaturia after URTI ?
    Post streptococcal,
    IgA nephropathy,