A child 5 year with febrile convulsions what reassurance you will give to mother

A 6 year old girl presents to the emergency room with her mother for a deep wound on her right forearm. Her mother tells you that her daughter was playing at school today and wounded herself when she fell on a big rock. When you ask her about her vaccination, she tells you that her daughter had all her vaccinations before the school started this year.
What is the most appropriate therapy for this girl?
A- Tetanus toxoid
B- Tetanus antitoxin
C- Both tetanus toxoid and antitoxin
D- Neither tetanus toxoid or antitoxin

Radiology speciality in UK

Anyone has any idea and how to apply

Do i need plab or mrcp or both?

And please anyone know close friend or any body studying radiology there to ask them

pt on lithium presents with tremors and other symptoms.what investigation should you now carry out?
a)check drug level

A 55 year-old man presents to his physician complaining of sinusitis, chest pain and productive cough for 2 weeks. His sputum is mixed with blood. He also has pain and swelling of hands and feet for 3 months. On examination, he has synovitis of proximal interphalangeal joints of both hands. His laboratory tests reveal anemia, elevated ESR, elevated creatinine and positive c-ANCA. Urinalysis shows red blood casts and proteinuria. Chest x-ray shows multiple nodules in both lungs.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A- Acute glomerulonephritis
B- Miliary tuberculosis
C- Wegener granulomatosis
D- Rheumatoid arthritis
E- Systemic lupus erythematosus

A 38 yr old woman who smokes 30cig/day comes for a 6wk postnatal checkup after delivery of her third child . She is keen not to become pregnant again but doesn’t wish to be sterilised . She doesn’t wish to gain weight. What is the single most appropriate management?
A. Depo
B. Mirena (IUS)
C. Post coital oral contraception

An Afro-Caribbean boy presented with fever and arthralgia. FBC shows: Hb : 6 g/dL Reticulocyte count : 40% Peripheral Smear : Target cells, Howell-Jolly bodies. What is the most appropriate diagnosis?
A. Haemophilia A
B. Thalassemia major
C. Sickle cell anaemia
D. Thalassemia minor
E. Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

A 47 year old scaffolder falls about 4 metres onto a pole injuring the right side. He is found to have right sided tenderness. A 10 minute IVU shows on excretion on right side. Most likely diagnosis?
A. Liver rupture
B. Splenic rupture
C. Diaphragm rupture
D. Pancreatic contusion
E. Renal pedicle avulsion.

A 32 year lady has recently become more active,more intrest in her work, sleepless and buy 2 new cars and a house. Dx
Bipolar disorder

A 45yo man with colon cancer now develops increased thirst, increased frequency in urination and weight loss. His fasting blood glucose=9mmol/L. what is the most appropriate management?
a. Oral hypoglycemic
b. Insulin long acting
c. Short acting insulin before meal
d. IV insulin
e. Subcutaneous insulin

An 18 year old man fell off a ladder. He complains of pain in his right wrist. There is tenderness just distal to the radius but little swelling. Single most likely diagnosis?
A. Fractured radial head
B. Mallet finger
C. Fracture scaphoid
D. Fracture 5th metacarpal
E. Colles fracture

A child 5 year with febrile convulsions what reassurance you will give to mother.
a. Occur after head injury
b. Occur after 7 year age
c. Family history of febrile convulsions
d. Can lead to epilepsy
e. Its cause is benign

There is history of kick in the back. No bruises but the patient presents to A and E with hematuria. Most appropriate management?
A. Ivu
B. Urethrogram
C. Usg
D. Suprapubic cathetrization
E. Laparotomy

A 50 yr old man has had progressive difficulty in walking for the past 2yrs . He has memory loss and hx of recurrent falls . He also has tremors . What is the single most likely diagnosis ?

A. Subdural haematoma
B. Alzheimer’s disease
C. Multi- infarct dementia
D. Picks disease
E. Lewy body dementia