A 6 year old girl with urinary incontinence about 3 times (during the day) in 6 month. What is the most effective treatment?

  1. A 6 year old girl with urinary incontinence about 3 times (during the day) in 6 month. What is the most effective treatment?
    A. Desmopressin
    B. Alarm Bell
    C. Behavioural therapy
    D. Restrict fluid
    E. Thermal dilution ( ficks method)

  2. A 19 year old boy came with skin rash and decreased urine output. On investigations, he was found to have raised urea and creatinine, and hematuria. There was history of bloody diarrhoea and fever. What is the most likely diagnosis?
    A. Thrombotic ThrombocytopoenicPurpura
    B. Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome
    C. Post streptococcal glomerulonephritis
    D. IgA Nephropathy
    E. Minimal Change disease

  3. An 8 year old girl fell down and fainted at school assembly. She went pale and light headed. What is the most likely diagnosis?
    A. Decreased blood sugar E. Heat stroke
    B. Vasaovagal syncope
    C. Anxiety
    D. Arrythmia

  4. A woman has electric pains in her face that starts with jaw and radiate towards her forehead. Her corneal reflexes are normal. What is the most likely diagnosis?
    A. Atypical face pain
    B. Trigeminal neuralgia
    C. Temporo-mandibular joint dysfunction
    D. Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA)
    E. Herpes Zoster

  5. A child of 24 months can walk, run, can make a pyramid, and speaks only two meaningful words such as mama and dada. How will you manage this child?
    A. Reassure
    B. Speech consultation
    C. Physiotherapy
    D. CT scan
    E. Admit further assessment

  6. A 68 year old lady complains of falls to the ground without any warning, maintains consciousness, and no confusion. She says this has occurred number of times before. What is the diagnosis?
    A. Stokes Adams attack
    B. Hypoglycemia
    C. Vasovagal syncope
    D. Drop attacks
    E. Epilepsy

  7. A 67 years old lady was found to have serum Calcium of 3.7 mmol/l. What is the most suitable treatment option for her from the following?
    A. Pamidronate
    B. Calcitonin
    C. Decrease calcium in diet
    D. No intervention needed

  8. A man complains of loss of sensation in little and ring finger. Which nerve is most likely to be involved?

A. Median Nerve
B. Ulnar Nerve
C. Radial Nerve
D. Long Thoracic Nerve
E. Axillary Nerve

  1. A 27 year old waitress has pelvic pain, dysmenorrhoea and increasingly heavy periods. She also complains of dyspareunia. There is generalized pelvic tenderness without peritonium. Pelvic ultrasound scan is reported as normal. What is the most likely diagnosis?
    A. Endometriosis
    B. Uterine Fibroid
    C. Pelvic Congestion Syndrome
    D. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
    E. Tubal Pregnancy

  2. A 37 year old woman presents with more tiredness than usual, she is found to have angular stomatitis, no koilonychia. Choose the single cell type you will find on blood film.
    A. Macrocytes
    B. Microcytes
    C. Granulocyte without blast cells
    D. Blast cells