A 17-year-old male falls on his wrist while playing basketball

Q 135 A 17-year-old male falls on his wrist while playing basketball. After taking a history, you notice on physical exam that he has marked tenderness within the “anatomical snuff box.” What is the likely diagnosis?

a. Fracture of the hook of the hamate bone

b. Fracture of the pisiform bone

c. Fracture of the scaphoid bone

d. Wrist sprain

Q 136 An otherwise healthy infant boy born via vaginal delivery has an abnormal appearance of his right upper limb. His arm hangs by his side, pronated and medially rotated. Which of the following muscles is still functioning in this patient?

(A) Biceps
(B) Deltoid
© Infraspinatus
(D) Triceps

Q 137 A group of oncologists is interested in determining whether a relationship exists between alcohol use and pancreatic cancer. The researchers enroll 1,000 patients, and subjects are placed into different groups depending on their level of alcohol consumption. The subjects are followed for 10 years; the data show no statistical difference in the number of pancreatic cancers between the groups. The above research is an example of which of the following kind of study?

(A) Case-control study
(B) Clinical treatment trial
© Cross-sectional study
(D) Prospective cohort study

Q 138 A 75-year-old man with a 40-pack-year history of smoking and hypercholesterolemia is diagnosed with severe atherosclerosis. Atherosclerotic occlusion of which of the following arteries would result in insufficient perfusion of the urinary bladder?

(A) External iliac
(B) Inferior epigastric
© Internal iliac
(D) Internal pudendal

Q 139 Which one of the following causes a frame-shift mutation?

A ) Transition

B ) Transversion

C ) Deletion

D ) Substitution of purine for pyrimidine

Q 140 Which of the following statements is true regarding normal tracheal anatomy and structure?

A ) The trachea is posterior to the esophagus

B ) The trachea is 4 cm long

C ) The trachea is 4 cm in diameter

D ) The trachea divides into right and left main stem bronchi below the sternal angle

Q 141 What is the most common complication of flu?

A) Epistaxis

B) Pneumonia

C) Gastroenteritis

D) Dehydration