
:heart:Most superior bone of the foot. Articulates with the tibia and fibula superiorly and the calcaneus and navicular inferiorly. It’s superior surface is spheroidal, for articulation at the ankle joint.

:new_moon:CALCANEUS (Heel bone)
:heart:The calcaneus is the most posterior bone in the foot. It articulates with the talus superiorly and the cuboid anteriorly. But is also part of the calcaneotalonavicular joint.

:heart:Is another tarsal bone on the lateral side of the foot. It articulates posteriorly with the calcaneus. Medially with the lateral cuneiform and navicular. And anteriorly with the 4th and 5th metatarsals.

:heart:The navicular is another tarsal bone on the medial side of the foot. It articulates with the three cuneiforms anteriorly, the cuboid laterally and the talocalcaneonavicular joint posteriorly.

:heart:Is one of the three cuneiform tarsal bones on the medial margin the foot. It articulates with the metatarsals anteriorly and the navicular posteriorly. As well as the intermediate cuneiform laterally.

:heart:This the 2nd cuneiform tarsal bone, it lies between the lateral and medial cuneiforms either side. But also articulate with the navicular and metatarsal bones.

:heart:This is the most lateral of the three cuneiform tarsals and articulates laterally with the cuboid and medially with the intermediate cuneiforms. As well as with the navicular and metatarsals.

:heart:These are bones of the toes that attach the the cuboid and three cuneiforms of the foot. They are long bones of nature and have heads. There are 5 metatarsals. They are ordered from medial to lateral.

:heart:These are also long bones that create the toes. Each toe has two phalanges, except for the 1st toe, only one phalanx is present here.

:heart:These are two bones under the 1st toe that are ensheathed in a tendon for absorption and protection from force.

:heart:This is a shelf like structure on the calcaneus in which the talus sits upon. It also protects underlying vessels, tendons, ligaments and nerve


  1. foot
  2. lower leg
  3. femur
  4. hip

:new_moon:How many bones are in the foot

:heart:1. Phalanges (bones of foot)
:heart:2. Metatarsals (bones of instep)
:heart:3. Tarsals (bones of ankles)

:new_moon:Each foot consists phalanges


:new_moon:Each phalanx is composed of three parts
:heart:1. body/shaft
:heart:2. proximal end
:heart:3. distal end

:new_moon:How are the metatarsals numbered
:heart:1-5 beginning at the medial side.

:new_moon:Metatarsals are composed of three parts
:heart:1. small rounded distal portion
:heart:2. long slender middle portion
:heart:3. expanded proximal end

:new_moon:Distal ends of the metatarsals are located on part of the foot
:heart:The ball (head) of the foot.

:new_moon: Two names of the joint spaces between phalanges 2-4
:heart:Distal interphalangeal joint and proximal interphalangeal joint.

:new_moon:Name of the joint space between the proximal and distal phalanges of the great toe
:heart:Interphalangeal joint.

:new_moon:Name of the joint space between the
phalanges and the metatarsals
:heart:metatarsophalangeal joint

:new_moon:Name of the joint space between the tarsals and metatarsals
:heart:Tarsometatarsal joint

:heart:Another name for the calcaneus?
:new_moon:os calcis

:new_moon: names of the bones that make up the tarsal bones in the foot
:heart:Calcaneus, talus, cuboid, navicular, and the 3 cuneiforms.

:new_moon: Tarsal bones is the largest and strongest

:new_moon:shape is the Calcaneus

:new_moon: The prominent bony process on the medial proximal aspect of the calcaneus
:heart:Sustentaculum tali

:new_moon:Two bones articulates with the calcaneus
:heart:Cuboid (anteriorly)
:heart: talus (superiorly)

:new_moon:The articulation between the talus and calcaneus called
:heart:subtalar joint / talocalcaneal joint

:new_moon: Name of the space found in the middle of the subtalar joint that is an important opening for ligaments to pass through
:heart:Sinus tarsi

:new_moon:sesamoid bones
:heart:small detached free floating bones found in the feet and hands and certain tendons.

:new_moon: The largest sesamoid bones found
:heart:Knee cap/patella

Sesamoid bones most likely to be found in the feet
:new_moon:posterior/plantar surface of the foot near the 1st metatarsal.

:new_moon:How many tarsal bones are found in the proximal foot

:new_moon:One of the tarsal bones is involved in the ankle joint
:heart:the talus

:new_moon: Another name for the talus bone

:new_moon: Another name for the navicular?

:new_moon: The second largest tarsal?

:new_moon:the talus located
:heart:Between the lower leg and calcaneus.

:new_moon:four bones articulate with the talus
:heart:tibia and fibula (superiorly) calcaneus (inferiorly) navicular (anteriorly)

:new_moon: The navicular shaped
:heart:Like a flattened oval

:new_moon:The navicular located
:heart:On the medial side of the foot between the talus and the 3 cuneiforms.

:new_moon: Four bones articulate with the navicular
:heart:talus (posteriorly) and the 3 cuneiform (anteriorly)

:new_moon: The 3 cuneiforms located in the foot
:heart:At the central and medial aspect of the foot between the navicular and the 1, 2, 3rd metatarsals distally.

:new_moon:the 1st (largest) cuneiform located

:new_moon: the second (smallest) cuneiform located

:new_moon:the 3rd cuneiform located

:new_moon: 6 bones articulate with the 3rd cuneiform
:heart:navicular, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th metatarsals, intermediate cuneiform medially and the cuboid laterally.

:new_moon: 4 bones articulate with the 1st cuneiform
:heart:navicular, 1st and 2nd metatarsals, and intermediate cuneiform.

:new_moon:4 bones articulate with the 2nd cuneiform
:heart:Navicular, 2nd metatarsal, the medial and lateral cuneiforms.

:new_moon:the cuboid located
:heart:On the lateral side of the foot between the calcaneus and the 4th and 5th metatarsals.

:new_moon:4 bones articulate with the cuboid
:heart:Calcaneus, lateral cuneiform, and the 4th and 5th metatarsals.

:new_moon:Name the 2 arches of the foot?
:heart:longitudinal and​:heart: transverse

:new_moon: bones form the longitudinal arch
:heart:Medial metatarsals and tarsals.

:new_moon: function of the longitudinal arch
:heart:Acts as a shock absorber and helps distribute the weight of the body.

:new_moon: bones form the transverse arch
:heart:The 3 cuneiforms and cuboid.

:new_moon:function of the transverse arch
:heart:Assists in supporting the longitudinal arch.

:new_moon:The ankle joint is formed by 3 bones
:heart:Tibia, fibula, and the talus.

:new_moon: Surface of the tibia articulates with the talus
:heart:The broad inferior surface.

:new_moon: Name of the medial enlongated process of the tibia that extends down alongside the medial talus
:heart:Medial malleolus

:new_moon: Name of the 3 sided “socket” where the talus fits into the tibia and fibula
:heart:Ankle mortise

:new_moon: Name of the process on the anterior aspect of the distal tibia?
:heart:Anterior tubercle

:new_moon:In a true lateral position the distal fibula will be 1/2 inferior or superior to the tibia

:new_moon:The lateral malleolus is on the same plane as the medial malleolus… true or false
:heart:False the lateral malleolus extends 1/2 distal to the medial malleolus.

:new_moon:How do you achieve the intermalleolar plane to get the mortise view of the ankle
:heart:Rotate ankle 15-20 degrees internally

:new_moon:Ankle joint is kind of joint

:new_moon:Type of movement does the ankle permit
:heart:flexion and​:heart: extension

:new_moon:Anterior surface of the foot is also know as

:new_moon:Posterior surface of the foot is also known as
:heart::heart::heart: CTTOTHANKYOUBYMAFE