Which of the neurocutaneous signs are not seen in neurofibromatiosis type

Which of the neurocutaneous signs are not seen in neurofibromatiosis type

2.Lisch nodule
3.Axillary freckling
5.Shagreen patch


Shagreen patch is highly characteristic of tuberous sclerosis and is seen in 80% of patient . It occurs in early chilhood and may be the first sign of disease. They are soft ,flesh colored to yellow plaques with in irregular surface.

It is most commonly seen in the lumbosacral region. Features of Neurofibromatosis are care au lait spots, neurofibromas or plexiform neuroma, freckling,optic glioma and lisch

Features of Neurofibromatosis are bilateral vestibular schwannomas,multiple meningioma, spinal ependmoma,
astrocytoma,posterior subcapsular lens opacities and retinal hamartomas.