Ureteric colic due to stone is caused by:

Ureteric colic due to stone is caused by:

1.Streetching of renal capsule due to back pressure
2.Increased peristalsis of ureter to overcome the obstruction
3.Irriation of intramural ureter
4.Extravasation of urine


Acute obstruction of ureter d/t calculus or other objects causes 2 types of pain:

Non colicky renal pain

d/t distension of the renal capsule

  • occurs at costovertebral angle just lateral to the sacrospinalis muscle and just below the 12th rib

Colicky pain

  • d/t hyperperistalsis of smooth muscles of calyces, pelvis and ureter as it attempts to rid itself of the foreign body or to overcome the obstruction

the colicky pain radiates along the course of the ureter, from the costovertebral angle down towards the lower anterior abdominal quadrant.
the ureteric colick pain is referred to different sites depending on the site of obstruction of the calculus.