Unanswered plab mcqs 51-100

  1. A 5yo girl had earache and some yellowish foul smelling discharge, perforation at the attic and
    conductive hearing loss. She has no past hx of any ear infections. What is the most appropriate
    a. Acute OM
    b. OM with effusion
    c. Acquired cholesteatoma
    d. Congenital cholesteatoma
    e. Otitis externa
  2. A female with T1DM would like to know about an deficiency of vitamins in pregnancy that can
    be harmful. A deficiency of which vitamin can lead to teratogenic effects in the child?
    a. Folic acid
    b. Vit B12
    c. Thiamine
    d. Riboflavin
    e. Pyridoxine
  3. A 23yo woman has been having pain at the base of her thumb, the pain is reproduced when
    lifting her 3 month old baby or changing diapers and also with forceful abduction of the thumb
    against resistance. What is the likely cause?
    a. Avascular necrosis of scaphoid
    b. Trigger finger
    Đ. De QueƌǀaiŶ͛s teŶosLJŶoǀitis
  4. A 6m child presents with fever and cough. His mother has rushed him to the ED asking for help.
    Exam: temp=39C and the child is feeding poorly. Dx?
    a. Bronchiolitis
    b. Asthma
    c. Bronchitis
  5. A 75yo man collapsed while walking in his garden. He recovered fully within 30 mins with BP
    110/80 mmHg and regular pulse of 70bpm. He has a systolic murmur on examination. His
    activities have been reduced lately which he attributes to old age. What is the definitive
    diagnostic inv that will assist you with his condition?
    a. ECG
    b. Echo
    c. 24h ECG monitoring
    d. 24h BP monitoring
    e. Prv CIN
  6. A 35yo man with a hx of schizophrenia is brought to the ER by his friends due to drowsiness. On
    examination he is generally rigid. A dx of neuroleptic malignant syndrome except:
    a. Renal failure
    b. Pyrexia
    c. Elevated creatinine kinase
    d. Usually occurs after prolonged tx
    e. Tachycardia
  7. A 33yo drug addict wants to quit. She says she is ready to stop the drug abuse. She is supported
    by her friends and family. What drug tx would you give her?
    a. Benzodiazepines
    b. Diazipoxide
    c. Lithium
    d. Methadone
    e. Disulfiram
  8. A 16m child presents with drooling, sore throat and loss of voice. He has fever with a temp of
    38.2C. What is your next step towards management?
    a. Direct pharynoscopy
    b. Call ENT surgeon
    c. Call anesthesiologist
    d. IV fuilds
    e. Start antibiotics
  9. A 62yo woman complains of unsteadiness when walking. On examination she has pyramidal
    weakness of her left lower limb and reduced pain and temp sensation on right leg and right side
    of trunk up to the umbilicus. Joint position sense is impaired at her left great toe but is normal
    elsewhere. She has a definite left extensor plantar response and the right plantar response is
    equivocal. Where is the lesion?
    a. Left cervical cord
    b. Midline mid-thoracic cord
    c. Right mid-thoracic cord
    d. Left mid-thoracic cord
    e. Left lumbo-sacral plexus
  10. A 26yo man present to ED with increasing SOB on left side and chest pain. He has been a heavy
    sŵokeƌ foƌ the past ϰ LJeaƌs. He doesŶ͛t haǀe aŶLJ past ŵed hx. What is the likely dx?
    a. Pulmonary embolism
    b. MI
    c. Asthma
    d. Pleural effusion
    e. Pneumothorax
  11. A pt with hepatocellular ca has raised levels of ferritin. What is the most probable cause?
    a. Hemochromatosis
    b. A1 antitrypsin def
    c. Cystic fibrosis
  12. A woman has electric pains in her face that start with the jaw and move upwards. Her corneal
    reflexes are normal. What is the most likely dx?
    a. Atypical face pain
    b. Trigeminal neuralgia
    c. Tempero-mandibular joint dysfunction
    d. GCA
    e. Herpes zoster
  13. A 32yo man presented with slow progressive dysphagia. There is past hx of retro-sternal
    discomfort and he has been treated with prokinetics and H2 blockers. What is the probably dx?
    a. Foreign body
    b. Plummer vinson syndrome
    c. Pharyngeal puch
    d. Peptic stricture
    e. Esophageal Ca
  14. A 56yo man comes with hx of right sided weakness & left sided visual loss. Where is the
    a. Ant meningeal artery
    b. Mid meningeal artery
    c. Mid cerebral artery
    d. Carotid artery
    e. Ant cerebral artery
    f. Ant communicating artery
  15. A young college student is found in his dorm unconscious. He has tachyarrhythmia and high
    fever. He also seems to be bleeding from his nose, which on examination shows a perforated
    nasal septum. What is the most likely dx?
    a. Marijuana OD
    b. Cocaine OD
    c. Heroin OD
    d. Alcohol OD
    e. CO poisoning
  16. A 56yo pt whose pain was relieved by oral Morphine, now presents with progressively
    worsening pain relieved by increasing the dose of oral morphine. However, the pt complains
    that the increased morphine makes him drowsy and his is unable to carry out his daily activities.
    What is the next step in his management?
    a. Oral oxycodone
    b. Oral tramadol
    c. PCA
    d. IV Fentanyl
    e. Diamorphine
  17. A 30yo man presents with a 5cm neck mass anterior to the sternocleido-mastoid muscle on the
    left side in its upper third. He states that the swelling has been treated with antibiotics for
    iŶfeĐtioŶ iŶ the past. What͛s the ŵost likelLJ Đause?
    a. Branchial cyst
    b. Parotitis
    c. Pharyngeal pouch
    d. Thyroglossal cyst
    e. Thyroid swelling
  18. An 18yo man is rushed into the ER by his friends who left him immediately before they could be
    interviewed by staff. He is semiconscious, RR=8/min, BP=120/70mmHg, pulse=60bpm. He is
    noted to have needle track marks on his arms and his pupils are small. What is the single best
    initial tx?
    a. Insulin
    b. Naloxone
    c. Methadone
    d. Gastric lavage
  19. A 30yo man and wife present to the reproductive endocrine clinic because of infertility. The man
    is tall, has bilateral gynecomastia. Examination of the testes reveals bilateral small, firm testes.
    Which of the following inv is most helpful in dx?
    a. CT of pituitary
    b. Chromosomal analysis
    c. Measure of serum gonadotropins
    d. Measure of serum testosterone
    e. Semen analysis
  20. An 18yo female just received her A-Leǀel ƌesults aŶd she didŶ͛t get iŶto the uŶiǀeƌsitLJ of heƌ
    choice. She was brought into the ED after ingestion of 24 paracetamol tablets. Exam: confused
    and tired. Initial management has been done. Inv after 24h: normal CBC, ABG = pH7.1, PT=17s,
    Bilirubin=4umol/L, creatinine=83umol/L. What is the next step in management?
    a. Observation for another 24h
    b. Refer to psychologist
    c. Give N-Acetylcysteine
    d. Discharge with psychiatry referral
    e. Liver transplantation
  21. A 75yo alcoholic presents with a mass up to umbilicus, urinary dribbling, incontinence, and
    clothes smelling of ammonia. What is the next step in management?
    a. Urethral catheter
    b. Suprapubic catheter
    c. Antibiotics
    d. Condom catheter
    e. Nephrostomy
  22. In CRF, main cause of Vit D deficiency is the failure of:
    a. Vit D absorption in intestines
    b. 25 alpha hydroxylation of Vit D
    c. Excess Vit D loss in urine
    d. 1 alpha hydroxylation of Vit D
    e. Availability of Vit D precursors
    ϳϯ. Pt ǁith puffiŶess of faĐe aŶd ƌash shoǁiŶg ĐottoŶ ǁool spots oŶ fuŶdosĐopLJ. What͛s the ddž?
    a. Macular degeneration
    b. Hypertensive retinopathy
    c. Diabetic background
    d. Proliferative diabetic retinopathy
    e. SLE
  23. A 35yo man presents with progressive breathlessness. He gave a hx of polyarthralgia with
    paiŶful lesioŶs oŶ the shiŶ. CX‘: ďilateƌal hilaƌ lLJŵphadeŶopathLJ. What͛s the ŵost likelLJ ddž?
    a. Bronchial asthma
    b. Cystic fibrosis
    c. Sarcoidosis
    d. Bronchiectasis
    e. Pneumonia
  24. A child presents with clean wound, but he has never been immunized as his parents were
    worried about it. There is no contraindication to immunization, what is the best management?
    a. Full course of DTP
    b. 1 single injection DT
    c. 1 single injection DTP
    d. Only Ig
    e. Antibiotic
  25. A 65yo HTN man presents with lower abdominal pain and back pain. An expansive abdominal
    mass is palpated lateral and superior to the umbilicus. What is the single most discriminating inv?
    a. Laparascopy
    b. KUB XR
    c. Pelvic US
    d. Rectal exam
    e. Abdominal US
  26. A 55yo man has had severe pain in the right hypochondrium for 24h. The pain comes in waves
    and is accompanied by nausea. Nothing seems to relieve the pain. He feels hot and sweaty but
    has normal temp. What is the most appropriate next inv?
    a. US Abdomen
    b. ERCP
    c. MRCP
    d. Serum amylase
    e. UGI endoscopy
  27. A 67yo man has deteriorating vision in his left eye. He has longstanding COPD and is on multiple
    drug therapy. What single medication is likely to cause this visual deterioration?
    a. B2 agonist
    b. Corticosteroid
    c. Diuretic
    d. Theophylline
  28. A woman who returned from abroad after 3 weeks of holiday complains of severe diarrhea of 3
    weeks. She also developed IDA and folic acid def. What condition best describes her situation?
    a. Jejunal villous atrophy
    b. Chronic diarrhea secretions
    c. Malabsorption
    d. Increased catabolism
    e. Increased secretions of acid
  29. A 35yo male is bitterly annoyed with people around him. He thinks that people are putting ideas
    into his head. What is the single most likely dx?
    a. Thought block
    b. Thought insertion
    c. Thought broadcasting
    d. Thought withdrawal
    e. Reference
  30. A 10yo girl presents with hoarseness of the voice. She is a known case of bronchial asthma and
    has been on oral steroids for a while. What is the most likely cause of hoarseness?
    a. Laryngeal candidiasis
    b. Infective tonsillitis
    c. Laryngeal edema
    d. Allergic drug reaction
    e. Ludwigs angina
  31. A lady with breast cancer has undergone axillary LN clearance. She develops arm swelling after
    being stung by a bee. What is the most likely mechanism responsible for the swelling?
    a. Lymphedema
    b. Cellulitis
    c. Hypersensitivity reaction
    d. DVT
    e. Fluid retention
  32. A 34yo pt presents with 50% partial thickness burns. What should be the most appropriate
    a. IV fluids calculated from the time of hospital arrival
    b. IV fluids calculated from the time of burn
    c. No IVF
    d. IV dextrose stat
    e. Burns ointment
  33. A 54yo man has recently been dx with moderate depression. He has hx of MI and is suffering
    from insomnia. What is the drug of choice for him?
    a. Citalopram
    b. Lofepramine
    c. ECT
    d. Haloperidol
    e. Diazepam
  34. A man presented with cellulitis and swelling. He was started on flucloxacillin. What other
    medication do you want to add?
    a. Vancomycin
    b. Penicillin
    c. Metronidazole
    d. Ceftriaxone
    e. Amoxicillin
  35. A 24yo college student presents with nausea, vomiting, headache, neck stiffness and a fever of
    38.4C. What is the most appropriate empirical antibiotic to be started?
    a. Ceftriaxone
    b. Penicillin
    c. Gentamicin
    d. Tazobactam
    e. Meropenem
  36. A man with prosthetic heart valve underwent hemicolectomy and after some days complains of
    left hypochondriac pain, fever and has a systolic murmur. What is the next inv to ascertain the
    cause of HF?
    a. CT
    b. Blood culture
    c. ECG
    d. MRI
    e. Radioactive thyroid scan
  37. A 45yo man with posterior gastric ulcer presented with severe excruciating pain which subsided
    after conservative treatment. 10 days later he developed swinging pyrexia. US shows a
    collection in the peritoneum. What will be the most likely location of the collection?
    a. Hepatorenal puch
    b. Left paracolic gutter
    c. Subphrenic
    d. Pelvic cavity
    e. Lesser sac
  38. A 23yo lady was prescribed with azithromycin 1gm for her chlamydial pelvic infection. She has
    got a new boyfriend for the last 2 months. She has recently started contraception to avoid
    conception. Which of the following contraception method will be affected by azithromycin?
    a. Barrier
    b. IUCD
    c. POP
    d. COCP
  39. An 11yo boy is being checked by the diabetic specialist nurse. His HbA1c was high and he has
    been skipping meals recently. He has been unhappy at school. Which single member of the
    clinical team would you refer him to next?
    a. GP
    b. Pediatrician
    c. Dietician
    d. Clinical psychologist
  40. A 35yo man who has served in the army presents with lack of interest in enjoyable activities and
    feeliŶg loǁ. He doesŶ͛t feel like ƌeadiŶg the Ŷeǁs oƌ ǁatĐhiŶg ŵoǀies as he ďelieǀes theƌe is
    violence everywhere. What is the most appropriate first line therapy?
    a. Citalopram
    b. Lofepramine
    c. CBT
    d. Chlordiazepoxide
    e. Desensitization
  41. A man has reducible bulge below the pubic tubercle, and on occlusion of the deep inguinal ring,
    cough impulse is present. What is the most likely dx?
    a. Direct inguinal
    b. Indirect inguinal
    c. Femoral
    d. Spigelian
    e. Lumbar
  42. A 48yo woman is admitted to ED with a productive cough and moderate fever. She has often
    central chest pain and regurgitation of undigested food most times but doesŶ͛t suffeƌ fƌoŵ aĐid
    reflux. These symptoms have been present for the last 3.5 months which affects both food and
    drink. A CXR shows an air-fluid level behind a normal sized heart. What is the most likely dx?
    a. Pharyngeal pouch
    b. Hiatus hernia
    c. Bulbar palsy
    d. Achalasia
    e. TB
  43. A 64yo man has been waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. He also had
    difficulty in initiating micturition and complains of dribbling. A dx of BPH was made after a
    transrectal US guided biopsy and the pt was prepared for a TURP. What electrolyte abnormality
    is highly likely due to this surgery?
    a. Hypokalemia
    b. Hypocalcemia
    c. Hyperkalemia
    d. Hyponatremia
    e. Hypernatremia
  44. A 56yo lady has developed severe right sided headache which worsens whenever she comes to
    ďƌight light siŶĐe the last ϰ daLJs. She feels Ŷauseated, ďut doesŶ͛t ǀoŵit. What is the ŵost likelLJ
    a. SAH
    b. Brain tumor
    c. Migraine
    d. Cluster headache
    e. Subdural headache
  45. A 35yo man presented with hematuria, abdominal swelling and has a BP of 190/140. What is the
    most diagnostic inv?
    a. Cystoscopy
    b. USG
    c. CT
    d. Renal biopsy
    e. Urine analysis
  46. A young man is brought to the ED after a RTA. His GCS on initial evaluation is 6. What ist he most
    appropriate next step?
    a. CT
    b. MRI
    c. IV fluids
    d. Skull XR
    e. Secure airway
  47. A 65yo man presented with frank hematuria. He has no other urinary symptoms. What is the
    most appropriate next step that will lead to the dx?
    a. IVU
    b. US Abdomen
    c. Cystoscopy
    d. Mid-stream urine for culture
    e. Transrectal US
  48. A 30yo woman had a gradual decrease of visual acuity since the last 3 years. Now she has a
    disaďilitLJ due to ǀeƌLJ loǁ ǀisioŶ. What͛s the ddž?
    a. Glaucoma
    b. Cataract
    c. Macular degeneration
    d. Retinitis pigmentosa
    e. Keratitis
  49. A 27yo lady has had an uncomplicated pregnancy so far. She came to the hospital 2h ago after
    her water broke. The midwife is looking at her now. She has regular contractions. P.V exam
    revealed 2cm dilated cervix. Vital signs are normal. What stage of labour is she in?
    a. Second stage
    b. First stage
    c. Latent stage
    d. Third stage
    e. Active phase