Unanswered plab mcqs 101-150

  1. A 2yo boy fell off his tricycle and hurt his arm. He got up to start crying, but before there was
    any sound, he went pale, unconscious and rigid. He recovered after 1-2 mins but remained pale.
    After an hour he was back to normal. His mother says she was afraid he was going to die, and
    that he had a similar episode 3 months prior after falling down some steps. What single inv is
    a. CT head
    b. EEG
    c. CBC
    d. None
    e. Skeletal survey
  2. A 29yo woman had just delivered a still born vaginally, following a major placental abruption.
    Choose the single most likely predisposing factor for developing PPH in this lady?
    a. Retained product
    b. DIC
    c. Fibroid uterus
    d. Uterine infection
    e. Large placental site
  3. A 28yo woman has delivered with rotational forceps after an 8h labor and 3h second stage.
    Choose the single most likely predisposing factor for PPH for this pt?
    a. Atonic uterus
    b. Cervical/vaginal trauma
    c. Retained product
    d. Preterm labor
    e. Uterine infection
  4. A 50yo man has had anterior resection of the rectum for carcinoma. He expressed concerns
    about control of post-op pain in discussions with the anaesthetist before surgery. What is the
    best management strategy?
    a. Oral diclofenac
    b. Oral codeine
    c. IM morphine
    d. IM dihydrocodeine
    e. Ondansetron oral
  5. A 73yo male presents with enlarged cervical nodes. He has had recurrent infections over the last
    year. His conjunctiva is pale. Choose the single cell type you will find on the blood film.
    a. Granulocyte without blast cells
    b. Myelofibroblasts
    c. Plasma cells
    d. Mature lymphocytes
  6. A 45yo lady has 10m hx of SOB. She is found to have irregularly irregular pulse and loud P2 with
    fixed splitting and ejection systolic murmur in left 2nd ICS. What is the probable dx?
    a. TOF
    b. ASD
    c. VSD
    d. PDA
    e. CoA
  7. A 5m baby present with recurrent vomiting. Mother noticed some of the vomitus is blood
    stained. Choose the single most likely inv?
    a. Upper GI endoscopy
    b. Barium meal
    c. US
    d. Colonoscopy
    e. CT abdomen
  8. A 76yo is treated with HTN. He suffers from pain and redness at the MTP joint of his right big toe.
    Which of the following anti-HTN cause this symptoms?
    a. Losartan
    b. Bendroflumethiazide
    c. Ramipril
    d. Bisoprolol
    e. Verapamil
  9. A 33yo male involved in a street fight presents with bruises and deformity in the upper part of
    his leg. XR shows fx of the neck of fibula. What is the single most associated nerve injury?
    a. Sciatic nerve
    b. Gluteal nerve
    c. Musculocutaneous nerve
    d. Lateral peroneal nerve
    e. Tibial nerve
    f. Femoral nerve
  10. A 35yo man presents with hx of dyspepsia. H.Pylori antibodies are negative. No improvement is
    seen after 1m of tx. What is the next step?
    a. Urea breath test
    b. Gastroscopy
    c. CT
    d. MRI
  11. A 15yo male has bilateral ankle edema. His BP=110/70mmHg and urinalysis shows protein++++.
    What is the most likely dx?
    a. HUS
    b. IgA nephropathy
    c. Membranous GN
    d. Minimal change GN
    e. Nephrotic syndrome
  12. A 28yo man has developed a red, raised rash on trunk after playing football. His PMH shows he
    had childhood asthma. The rash is becoming increasingly itchy. What is the most appropriate tx?
    a. Oral chlorpheneraime
    b. Oral amoxicillin
    c. IM adrenaline
    d. Nebulized salbutamol
    e. Histamine
  13. A 72yo man has been advised to have antibiotic prophylaxis for some years now before dental tx.
    He has never experienced chest pain. Three weeks ago, he noticed breathlessness on exertion
    and for one week he had orthopnea. His pulse is normal. What is the most probable dx?
    a. Aortic regurgitation
    b. Ischemic mitral regurgitation
    c. Mitral valve prolapse
    d. Pulmonary stenosis
    e. Mitral valve stenosis
  14. A 37yo woman presents with fatigue. Exam: angular stomatitis, no koilonychea. Choose the
    single cell type you will find on the blood film.
    a. Macrocytes
    b. Microcytes
    c. Granulocytes wthout blast cells
    d. Blast cells
  15. A 4yo boy with a febrile convulsion lasting eight minutes has been given IV lorazepam to control
    them. What is the single most likely serious side effect?
    a. Amnesia
    b. Anaphylactic shock
    c. Apnea
    d. Bronchospasm
    e. Cardiac arrhythmia
  16. A 4wk girl has been dx of having breast milk jaundice. She is otherwise well. What is the single
    most appropriate management?
    a. Continue breastfeeding
    b. Exchange transfusion
    c. Increase fluid intake
    d. Phototherapy
    e. Stop breastfeeding
  17. A 12yo girl when playing in the garden accidentally stepped on a hive and was bitten several
    times. She has numerous wheals on her body and complains of severe itching. What is the single
    most appropriate management?
    a. Oral antihistamine
    b. IV antihistamine
    c. IM adrenaline
    d. Oral ciprofloxacin
    e. Reassurance
  18. A term baby born to a 30yo woman of blood group A-ve develops severe jaundice within the
    first 24h of birth. What is the most likely dx?
    a. Hereditary spherocytosis
    b. G6PD
    c. ABO incompatibility
    d. Rh incompatibility
    e. Physiological jaundice
  19. A 4yo girl is found to have bounding pulse and continuous machinery murmur. What is the most
    probable dx?
    a. TOF
    b. ASD
    c. VSD
    d. PDA
    e. CoA
  20. A 12yo child with episodes of sudden bluish discoloration and brief loss of consciousness. Exam:
    clubbing, central cyanosis, systolic thrill with systolic ejection murmur in 2nd left ICS. What is the
    most probable dx?
    a. TOF
    b. ASD
    c. VSD
    d. PDA
    e. CoA
  21. An 8yo child who is tall for his age and has a refractory error for which he wears glasses has
    presented with severe crushing chest pain. What is the most likely dx?
    a. Fragile X syndrome
    b. Prader-willi syndrome
    c. DiGeorge syndrome
    d. Marfans syndrome
  22. A 4yo child presents with pain of spontaneous onset in his knee of 2 days duration. He has
    developed mild fever in the 2nd day. He can walk but has a limp. Exam: painful restriction in the
    right hip. What is the most probable dx?
    a. Osteosarcoma
    b. Septic arthritis
    c. TB arthritis
    d. Exostosis
    e. Osteomyelitis
  23. A man with anterior resection and end to end anastomosis done complains of severe pain in the
    chest and abdominal distension. What is the most appropriate inv likely to review the cause this
    a. XR abdomen
    b. Exploratory laparoscopy
    c. CT
    d. US
    e. Laparotomy
  24. Pt with hx of alcoholism, ataxic gait, hallucinations and loss of memory. He is given acamprosate.
    What other drug can you give with this?
    a. Chlordiazepoxide
    b. Thiamine
    c. Diazepam
    d. Disulfiram
    e. Haloperidol
  25. A 35yo male builder presented with sudden onset of severe abdominal pain. He was previously
    fit and well other than taking ibuprofen for a long term knee injury. On examination he is in
    severe pain, pulse=110bpm, BP=110/70mmHg and has a rigid abdomen. What is the most likely
    a. Biliary peritonitis
    b. Ischemic colon
    c. Pancreatic necrosis
    d. Perforated diverticulum
    e. Perforated peptic ulcer
  26. A woman 5 days post-op for bilateral salphingo-oopherectomy and abdominal hysterectomy has
    developed abdominal pain and vomiting a/w abdominal disteŶsioŶ aŶd ĐaŶ͛t pass gas. No ďoǁel
    sounds heard, although well hydrated. What is the most appropriate next step?
    a. XR abdomen
    b. Exploratory laparoscopy
    c. CT
    d. USG
    e. Barium enema
  27. A 30yo man complains of hoarseness of voice. Exam: unilateral immobile vocal cord. What is the
    most probable dx?
    a. Graves disease
    b. Hematoma
    c. Unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve injury
    d. External laryngeal nerve injury
    e. Tracheomalacia
  28. A 38yo woman has delivered after an induced labor which lasted 26h. choose the single most
    likely predisposing factor for postpartum hemorrhage?
    a. Atonic uterus
    b. Cervical/vaginal trauma
    c. Rupture uterus
    d. Fibroid uterus
    e. Age of mother
  29. A 32yo woman in tears describing constant irritability with her 2 small children and inability to
    relax. She describes herself as easily startled with poor sleep and disturbed nightmares following
    a house fire a year ago, while the family slept. What is the single best tx?
    a. Rassurance
    b. Relaxation therapy
    c. Quetiapine
    d. Lofepramine
    e. Fluoxetine
  30. A 22yo woman with longstanding constipation has severe ano-rectal pain on defecation. Rectal
    exam: impossible due to pain and spasm. What is the most probable dx?
    a. Anal hematoma
    b. Anal fissure
    c. Anal abscess
    d. Protalgia fugax
    e. Hemorrhoids
  31. A 20yo student attends the OPD with complaint of breathlessness on and off, cough and sputum.
    His sleep is disturbed and skin is very dry in flexural areas of the body. Exam: tachypnea,
    hyperresonant percussion and wheezing on auscultation. What is the most likely dx?
    a. Extrinsic allergic alveolitis
    b. Asthma
    Đ. WegeŶeƌ͛s gƌaŶuloŵatosis
    d. COPD
    e. Cystic fibrosis
  32. A pt with thought disorder washes hands 6x each time he uses the toilet. What is the best
    a. Psychodynamic therapy
    b. CBT
    c. Antipsychotics
    d. Refer to dermatology
    e. Reassure
  33. A 25yo woman presented to her GP on a routine check up. Upon vaginal exam, she was fine
    except for finding of cervical ectropion which was painless but mild contact bleeding on touch.
    What is the next management?
    a. Endometrial ablation
    b. Cervical smear (2nd line)
    c. Colposcopy
    d. Antibiotics (1st line)
    e. Vaginal US
    f. Pack with gauze and leave to dry
  34. A 32yo had a normal vaginal delivery 10 days ago. Her uterus has involuted normally. Choose
    the single most likely predisposing factor for PPH?
    a. Retained product
    b. DIC
    c. Uterine infection
    d. Von Willebrand disease
    e. Primary PPH
  35. A 37yo man slipped while he was walking home and fell on his out stretched hand. He complains
    of pain in the right arm. XR showed fx of the head of radius. What is the single most associated
    nerve injury?
    a. Radial nerve
    b. Musculocutaneous nerve
    c. Median nerve
    d. Ulnar nerve
  36. A butcher stabbed accidently his groin. He bled so much that the towel was soaked in blood and
    BP=80/50mmHg, pulse=130bpm. What % of circulatory blood did he lose?
    a. <15%
    b. 15-30%
    c. 30-40%
    d. 40-50%
    e. >50%
  37. A 67yo man presents with palpitations. ECG shows an irregular rhythm and HR=140bpm. He is
    otherwise stable, BP=124/80mmHg. What is the most appropriate management?
    a. Bisoprolol
    b. ACEi
    c. Ramipril
    d. Digoxin
  38. A 78yo man is depƌessed afteƌ his ǁife͛s death. He has ďeeŶ ŶegleĐtiŶg hiŵself. His soŶ fouŶd
    hiŵ iŶ a ŵiseƌaďle state ǁheŶ he ǁeŶt to ǀisit. The soŶ ĐaŶ͛t deal ǁith his fatheƌ. What is the
    appropriate management?
    a. Voluntary admission to psychiatry ward
    b. Hand over to social worker
    c. Request son to move in with father
    d. Send pt to care home
  39. An old alcoholic presents with cough, fever, bilateral cavitating consolidation. What is the most
    probable cause?
    a. Gram +ve diplococcic
    b. Coagulase +ve cocci
    c. Gram –ve cocci
    d. AFB
    e. Coagulase –ve cocci
  40. A 67yo man had successful thrombolysis for an inf MI 1 month ago and was discharged after
    5days. He is now readmitted with pulmonary edema. What is the most probable dx?
    a. Aortic regurgitation
    b. Ischemic mitral regurgitation
    c. Mitral valve prolapse
    d. Pulmonary stenosis
    e. Rheumatic mitral valve stenosis
  41. A 60yo lady who had stroke 3 years ago now reports having increased dyspnea on exertion and
    atrial fibrillation. CXR: straight left border on the cardiac silhouette. What is the most probable
    a. Aortic regurgitation
    b. Ischemic mitral regurgitation
    c. Mitral valve prolapse
    d. Pulmonary stenosis
    e. Rheumatic mitral valve stenosis
  42. A 60yo diabetic complains of pain in thigh and gluteal region on walking up the stairs for the last
    6 months. She is a heavy smoker and has ischemic heart disease. What is the most appropriate
    a. Thromboangitis Obliterans
    b. Sciatica
    c. DVT
    d. Atherosclerosis
    e. Embolus
  43. A 3yo child who looks wasted on examination has a hx of diarrhea on and off. The mother
    describes the stool as bulky, frothy and difficult to flush. What is the single inv most likely to
    lead to dx?
    a. Sweat chloride test
    b. Anti-endomysial antibodies
    c. LFT
    d. US abdomen
    e. TFT
  44. A 45yo woman has had severe epigastric and right hypochondrial pain for a few hours. She has a
    normal CBC, serum ALP is raised, normal transaminase. 3 months ago she had a
    cholecystectomy done. What is the most appropriate inv?
    a. US abdomen
    b. ERCP
    c. MRCP
    d. CT abdomen
    e. Upper GI endoscopy
  45. A 53yo woman presented with pain in the eye, blurry vision and clumsiness for 3 months. She
    has a hx of difficulty in swallowing and weakness in her right upper limb 2y ago. What is the inv
    of choice?
    a. CSF analysis
    b. EEG
    c. EMG
    d. MRI brain
    e. Visual evoked response test
  46. A 55yo male presents with malaise and tiredness. Exam: spleen approaching RIF, no
    lymphadenopathy. Choose the single cell type?
    a. Helmet shaped cell
    b. Sickle cell
    c. Granulocyte without blast cells
    d. Blast cells
  47. A 6yo pt comes with easy bruising in different places when she falls. CBC: WBC=25, Hgb=10.9,
    Plt=45. Her paul brunnel test +ve. What is the most likely dx?
    a. Glandular fever
    b. ITP
    c. Trauma
    d. NAI
    e. Septicemia
  48. A 41yo woman who has completed her family, has suffered from extremely heavy periods for
    many years. No medical tx has worked. She admits that she would rather avoid open surgery.
    After discussion, you collectively decide on a pƌoĐeduƌe that ǁouldŶ͛t ƌeƋuiƌe opeŶ suƌgeƌLJ oƌ
    GA. Select the most appropriate management for this case.
    a. Endometrial ablation
    b. Hysterectomy
    c. Fibroid resection
    d. Myomectomy
    e. Uterine artery embolization
  49. A girl with hx of allergies visited a fƌieŶd͛s faƌŵ. She got stƌidoƌ, ǁheeze aŶd eƌLJtheŵatous ƌash.
    What is the most appropriate tx?
    a. 0.25ml IM adrenaline
    b. 0.25ml PO adrenaline
    c. 0.25ml IM adrenaline
    d. IV chlorphearamine
  50. A 5yo boy is referred to the hospital and seen with his father who is worried that he has been
    listless. He is not sure why his GP suggested he should come to the ED and is keen to get some
    tablets and go home. Exam: tired and irritable, swelling around eyes. Renal biopsy: remarkable
    for podocyte fusion on EM. What is the most probable dx?
    a. NAI
    b. Myelodysplastic disease
    c. HSP
    d. Membranous GN
    e. Minimal change GN