Trophozoite form of Giardia

Which of the following statements about the organism shown below is false…


  1. Cysts of this organism are oval and measures 8-12 micrometer *7-10 micrometer and charactersically contain 4 nuclei.
    *2) Cysts of this organism are oval and measures 8-12 micrometer 7-10 micrometer and charactersically contain 2 nuclei.
  2. Trophozoites are pear shaped dorsally convex with 2 nuclei and 4 pairs of flagella
  3. Trophozoites are non invasive

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Figure is showing trophozoite form of Giardia

Trophozoites are pear shaped dorsally convex with 2 nuclei and 4 pairs of flagella whereas Cysts of this organism are oval and measures 8-12 micrometer 7-10 micrometer and characteristically contain 4 nuclei.

Some other points :-

(1) Transmission = Faeco-oral route

(2) Infective form = cyst

(3) Excystation from stomach acid and intestinal proteases

(4) Reside in upper small intestine adhered to entemc4es ( non invasive)

(5) Treatment by Metronidazole ( 250 mg thrice daily for 5 days). Tinidazole is more effective than Metronidazole.