Treatment of pityriasis versicolor except?

Question 1: All of the following drugs are effective in the treatment of
pityriasis versicolor except ?
A) Selenium sulphide
B) Ketoconazole
C) Griseofulvin
D) Clotrimazole
Answer: C) Griseofulvin

Question 2: A 36-year-old factory worker developed itchy, annular scaly
plaques in both groins. Application of a corticosteroid ointment led to
temporary relief but the plaques continued to extend at the periphery. The
most likley diagnosis is ?
A) Erythema annulare centrifugum
B) Granuloma annulare
C) Annular lichen planus
D) Tinea cruris
Answer: D) Tinea cruris

Question 3: A 16-year-old boy presented with asymptomatic, multiple,
erythematous, annular lesions with a collarette of scales at the periphery
of the lesions present on the trunk. The most likely diagnosis is ?
A) Pityriasis versicolor
B) Pityriasis alba
C) Pityriasis rosea
D) Pityriasis rubra pilaris
Answer: C) Pityriasis rosea

Question 4: The only definite indication for giving systemic
corticosteroids in pustular psoriasis is ?
A) Psoriatic enythroderma with pregnancy
B) Psoriasis in a patient with alcoholic cirrhosis
C) Moderate arthritis
D) Extensive lesions
Answer: D) Extensive lesions

Question 5: A 40-year-old woman presents with a 2 year history of
erythematous papulopustular lesions on the convexities of the face. There
is a background of erythema and telangiectasia. The most likely diagnosis
in the patient is ?
A) Acne vulgaris
B) Rosacea
C) Systemic lupus erythematosus
D) Polymorphic light eruption
Answer: B) Rosacea

Question 6: An 8-year-old boy from Bihar presents with a 6 months history
of an illdefined hypopigmented slightly atrophic macule on the face. The
most likely diagnosis is ?
A) Pityriasis alba
B) Indeterminate leprosy
C) Morphoea
D) Calcium deficiency
Answer: B) Indeterminate leprosy

Question 7: A 27-year old sexually active male develops a vesiculobullous
lesion on the glans soon after taking tablet paracetamol for fever. The
lesion healed with hyperpigmentation. The most likely diagnosis is ?
A) Behcet’s syndrome
B) Herpes genitalis
C) Fixed drug eruption
D) Pemphigus vulgaris
Answer: C) Fixed drug eruption