The patient’s CCR5 mutation interferes with the function of which viral protein?

A 24-year-old male with a homozygous CCR5 mutation is found to be immune to HIV infection. The patient’s CCR5 mutation interferes with the function of which viral protein?

1.Reverse transcriptase


The viral protein gp120 mediates HIV attachment to host macrophages through the CCR5 and CD4 complex.

The viral protein gp120 is a product of the env gene, which codes a polyprotein product that is subsequently glycosylated to form gp160. The gp160 is cleaved within host cell endoplasmic reticulum to form gp120 and gp41. gp120 binds the CXCR4 or CCR5 co-receptor and CD4 complex on T cells and the CCR5 and CD4 complex in macrophages. Homozygous CCR5 mutation confers HIV immunity, while heterozygous CCR5 mutation leads to a slower disease course in infected individuals.

Illustration A diagrams attachment of HIV to a CD4 T-helper cell. The gp120 viral protein attaches to CD4. The gp120 variable loop then attaches to either CCR5 or CXCR4, and HIV enters the cell.