Surgery Questions: by DR.RRM, Q26-Q30

  1. Masstricht Classification is used for
    a. Donation after cardiac death (DCD) Donors***
    b. ?
    c. ?
    d. ?

  2. Regarding Upper GI Bleed – true statement is
    a. Most common cause is variceal bleeding
    b. It is bleeding upto ampulla of vater
    c. MC management is endoscopic banding
    d. Rockall scoring is used for risk stratification***

  3. The abdominal mass is palpable in …. Region in CHPSS.
    a. Umbilical
    b. Right Hypochondrium***
    c. Epigastrium
    d. Right iliac fossa

  4. Identify the retractor
    a. Morris***
    b. Langenback
    c. Doyen
    d. Deaver

  5. Glassgow coma scale of a patient with head injury- He is confused, able to localise on right side and Opens eye for painful stimuli
    a. 11***
    b. 13
    c. 7
    d. 9