SURGERY questions and answer

  1. ‘Flower vase’ appearance in IVP is seen in
    A.Poly cystic kidney disease
    B.Horse Shoe Kidney
    D.Ectopic kidney

Ans. B

  1. Comma shaped calcification in soft tissues is seen with
    B.Loa Loa
    C.Cysticercus cellulosae
    D.Guinea worm

Ans. A

  1. A T2 tumor of the oral cavity near the mandible is best treated with
    D.Laser ablation

Ans. C?

  1. Commonest type of hypospadias is

Ans. A

  1. Which of the following is not a feature of Thrombo Angitis Obliterans usually occurs before the age of 50 years
    B.lower limbs are affected before upper limbs
    C.there is associated phlebitis
    D.femoral artery is involved

Ans. D

  1. A 30 year old women is accidently found to have a wide mouthed Meckel’s-diverticulum during laprotomy.What is the best method of treatment
    B.leave it alone
    C.resection of diverticulum and invagination of stump
    D.resection of diverticulum with a short segment of ileum and anastomosis

Ans. B

  1. Radioopaque shadow seen immediately after trauma to the chest could be due to
    A.pulmonary embolism
    B.pulmonary contusion

Ans. C

  1. Most common cause of bloody discharge from nipple is
    A.Duct ectasia
    B.Duct carcinoma
    C.Duct papilloma

Ans. C

  1. Compared with Crohn’s disease Ulcerative colitis does not have more
    A.malignant change
    B.fistula formation
    C.bleeding per rectum
    D.cholangio carcinoma

Ans. B

  1. All are true about deQuervain’s thyroiditis except
    A.Usually follows a viral infection
    B.There is increased radio iodine uptake
    C.Initial hyperthyroid state
    D.Anti thyroids are of no use

Ans. B

  1. Which of the following test is used to detect perforator incompetence in varicose veins
    A. Trendelenberg test
    B. Fegan’s test
    C. Morissey’s test
    D. Homan’s test

Ans. B

  1. Interruption of Inferior venacava is not indicated in
    A.multiple septic emboli
    B.multiple small peripheral emboli
    C.when anticoagulation is contraindicated
    D.Ileo femoral thrombosis

Ans. C

  1. Which of the following salivary gland tumors shows perineural spread
    A.Warthin’s tumor
    B.adenoid cystic carcinoma
    C.carcinoma in pleomorphic adenoma
    D.mucoepidermoid carcinoma

Ans. B
14. Prolonged intake of refined foods leads to which of the following carcinoma
B.gall bladder

Ans. C

15 The X-ray finding which helps to distinguish Hirschsprung’s disease from congenital mega colon is
A.Delayed evacuation of barium
B.Air fluid levels
C.Presence of a transition zone
D.Dilated bowel loops

Ans. C

  1. Which of the following is not a feature of a healthy healing ulcer
    A.Sloping edge
    B. Undermined edge
    C. Serous discharge
    D. Reddish base

Ans. B

17 What is the management of a low, straight, 2cm long peri anal fistula
A. fistulectomy
B. seton repair
C. proximal colostomy
D. anal dilatation

Ans. A

  1. Graft used in infra inguinal bypass is
    A. PTFE
    B. Dacron
    C. Autologous vein

Ans. C

  1. Best treatment for external hemorrhage from an extremity is
    A. elevation of the limb
    B. proximal tourniquet
    C. direct pressure
    D. ligation of the bleeding vessel

Ans. C

  1. Investigation of choice for Posterior urethral valve is
    A. Retrograde cystourethrogram
    B. MCU
    C. IVP
    D. USG

Ans. B

  1. Most virus associated malignancy is
    A. Carcinoma cervix
    B. Burkitt’s lymphoma
    C. Carcinoma Breast

Ans. C

  1. Most common age group of benign cystic teratoma is
    A. <10yrs
    B. 20-40yrs
    C. 40-60yrs
    D. >60yrs


  1. Burns involving head face and trunk constitutes how much percentage
    A. 45%
    B. 55%
    C. 60%
    D. 65%

Ans. A