Social and preventive medicine mcq

  1. Kaplan meier method is used for?
    a . survival
    b. prevalance
    c. incidence
    d. frequency

  2. Incidence can be calculated by?
    a. case control study
    b. cross sectional study
    c. prospective study
    d. retrospective study

  3. All are true about cluster sampling except?
    a. sample size is same as that of simple random sampling

  4. False about indian reference female is?
    a. weighs 55 kg
    b. age 20-39yrs
    c. 8 hours of moderate work
    d. walking and recreation for 2 hours

  5. Not true about breast milk is?
    a. maximum output is seen at 12 month
    b. breast milk protein is a reference protein
    c. calcium utilization from breast milk is more than cows milk
    d. coefficient of absorption of iron is 70%

  6. Lepromin test is ured for?
    a. diagnosis
    b. treatment
    c. prognosis
    d. epidemiological investigation

  7. Fish is a poor source of?
    a. iron
    b. phosphorus
    c. iodine
    d. vit a

  8. False about vaccines is?
    a. thiomersal is preservative in dpt
    b.kanamycin is preservative in measels
    c. mgcl2 is stabilizer used in opv
    d. neomycin is preservative in bcg

  9. True about bcg vaccination is?
    a. tuberculin test is positive after 6 weeks of vaccination
    b. inj site should be cleaned with spirit
    c. who recommends danish1331 strain for vaccine
    d. diluent uesd is either distilled water or normal saline

  10. Shortest incubation period is of?
    a influenza
    b. hep b
    c. hep a
    d. rubella

  11. Increase in false positive is seen in?
    a. high prevalance
    b. low prevalance
    c. high specificity
    d. high sensitivity

  12. Plastic wrapper of surgical syringe should be discarded in?
    a blue bag
    b. black
    c. yellow

  13. False about DDT is?
    a. contact poison
    b. residual effect lasts for 18 moths
    c. causes immediate death
    d. permethrin has synergistic action

  14. All are larva control measures except?
    a. gambusia
    b. intermittent irrigation
    c. ddt d. paris green

  15. Not a part of safe strategy?
    a. azithromycin
    b. vit a supplementation
    c. face wash
    d. sanitation

  16. Goals of national population policy are a/e?
    a. bring down TFR to replacement level by 2015
    b. decrease IMR to 30/1000
    c. decrease MMR to 100/100000
    d. 100% registration of birth death and pregnancy