Small air way has laminars flow because of?

Oral examination is done in case of:
a. Psoriasis
b. Plummer vinson syndrome
c. Peutz jegher syndrome
d. Beri-beri

Small air way has laminar flow because of?
a. Small diameter
b. Small area of cross section
c. The linear Velocity of Airflow in Small Airway is extremely low
d. Reynolds’s number more than 2000

Darier’s sign is seen in which of the following?
a) Glucagonoma
b) Xeroderma pigmentosa
c) Herpes zoster
d) Urticaria pigmentosa

A 25-year-old man presents to the emergency room complaining of massive watery diarrhea for 5 hours. He doesn’t have any vomiting or abdominal pain. Stool culture reveals a curved; gram negative rod which secretes an enterotoxin contains subunit A and a binding subunit B.
What is the most likely reason for this patient’s massive diarrhea?
A- Increased motility of the small intestine
B- Destruction of the absorptive epithelium
C- Increased production of cAMP
D- Deficiency in the brush border enzymes
E- Decreased production of cAMP

What could be the diagnosis for the following examination of the fundus?
a) Optic atrophy
b) Diabetes retinopathy
d) Retinal detachment

A 50-year-old homeless, alcoholic man had a fever and a cough productive of thick sputum that worsened over several days. His temperature is 38.2°C. Diffuse crackles are heard at the right lung base. Laboratory studies are as follows:
• hemoglobin: 13.3 g/dL
• hematocrit: 40%
• platelet count: 291,8000/mm3
• WBC count: 13,240/mm3 with 71 segmented neutrophils, 7% bands, 16% lymphocytes, and 6% monocytes.
Lab findings: The sputum was thick and gelatinous. A gram stained smear shows gram negative rods.
Based on above clinical findings, what is the most likely causative agent?

Regarding indirect ophthalmoscopy, all are true except
a) Can be used in hazy medium
b) The image is real and erect
c) Convex lens is used
d) Magnification is 4-5 times

A diagnostic test has a sensitivity of 64% and a specificity of 99%. Such a test would carry the risk of which kind of problem?
a)Height relative risk
b)Low likelihood ratio
c)False negatives
d)False positives

Drug of choice used in the treatment of hairy cell leukemia ?
a)Interferon a

For a rectal carcinoma at 5cm from the anal verge, the best acceptable operation is-
a) Local resection
b) Anterior resection
c) Posterior resection
d)Abdominal perineal resection

Blood transfusion in iron deficiency is indicated in all, except :
a) Angina
b) CCF
c) Evidence of cerebral hypoxia
d) Intolerance to oral iron therapy

Which of the foll.beverages contains the maximum percentage of alcohol?

All of the following signs are not seen in acute appendicitis except-
a) Rovsing’s
b) Murphy’s
c) Boa’s
d) Mackwen’s

A 32 year old woman with a history of degenerative joint disease complains of dark urine over the past several weeks. On examination she was found to have grey brown pigmentation of the helices of both the ears and also complains of black earwax. See Image. What is the Most likely diagnosis?
a) Homocystinuria
b) Hawkinsinuria
c) Alkaptonuria
d) Hyperprolinemia type I

A 66-year-old man goes to his general practitioner (GP) complaining of diarrhoea. This had
developed suddenly 2 days before. His motions are watery and foul-smelling. There is
no blood or mucus in the stool. There is colicky abdominal pain not relieved by defaecation.
The man has a poor appetite and feels nauseated. He feels tired. The man has recently
retired, and returned 2 weeks ago from a coach trip to Eastern Europe and Russia. No one
else on the coach was ill during the holiday. He is otherwise well, with no significant medical
history. He smokes 10 cigarettes a day, and drinks two pints of beer a day. Examination
is unremarkable, and the GP diagnoses ‘traveller’s diarrhoea’, and prescribes loperamide.
Two weeks later the patient returns to the surgery. The diarrhoea has persisted and the
patient has lost 6 kg in weight.
On examination the patient looks well. His blood pressure is 158/88 mmHg. Cardiovascular,
respiratory and abdominal examinations are unremarkable.
What is the most likely diagnosis for this patient?

In myopia which one of the following is most common ?
a) Equatorial staphyloma
b) Posterior staphyloma
c) Ciliarystaphyloma
d) Intercalary staphyloma

Mesangial deposits of IgA in the glomeruli are seen in:
a) Berger’s disease
b) Henoch-Schonleinpurpura
c) Diabetes mellitus
d) Both A and B
e) Both A and C

Most common malignancy associated with retinoblastoma
b)Thyroid carcinoma
d)Renal cell seminoma

What is false regarding this venous disorder
A) Classified as C4 in CEAP classification
B) Treatment is for cosmetic reasons only
C) Can be treated by sclerotherapy
D) None of the above