Reconstructive Surgery: Anatomy, Technique, and Clinical Application 1st edition

In Reconstructive Surgery: Anatomy, Technique, and Clinical Application 1st edition, Drs. Zenn and Jones pay full deference to Mathes and Nahai’s original contribution to the field while adding their own considerable expertise to this topic. The authors are assisted by a select group of internationally recognized contributors who provide expert commentary on clinical cases. Together, these leading surgeons share their vast experience and insights on techniques for reconstructing all anatomic regions. This two-volume set features superb medical illustrations that depict important flap anatomy as well as the step-by-step surgical technique for each of the operations described.

In preparing something as monumental as this two-volume book, Michael Zenn and author had to work together for hours as a team. It has been a privilege to know Michael as a colleague and a friend, and this book has been a catalyst in strengthening an enduring friendship and mutual respect. We both love to teach, and we hope that the pages of this book will help generations of plastic surgeons to come. Works such as this do not come to fruition without considerable sacrifice.

We are both busy clinical surgeons with mature practices, and time is always at a premium. In embarking
upon such a project, we were acutely aware that the time commitment would be enormous. That time is garnered at night and on weekends, and it comes at the expense of time with our wives and families. I want to pay tribute to my wife, Hilarie, for her enduring support and encouragement during this second tour de force in my writing career, for without it, the project would never have matured. It is hope and prayer that this ebook will be an invaluable tool in plastic surgical training, not only as a resource for surgeons, but above all, for the benefit of our patients, without whom the need for this book would never exist

Reconstructive Surgery: Anatomy, Technique, and Clinical Application 1st edition content :
Features a select group of expert contributors who cover a range of reconstructive options in each anatomic area
Presents hundreds of cases demonstrating clinical applications
Provides a systematic approach to flap selection and step-by-step instructions for dissection
Uses an outline format highlighting key anatomic features
Contains thousands of color photos, cadaver dissections, radiographs, and medical illustrations
Includes four DVDs with videos demonstrating cadaver dissections for all major flaps
Offers clinical caveats and tips and tricks throughout
Each chapter follows a distinct and consistent format, beginning with key anatomic landmarks and includes vascular anatomy, design and markings, guidelines for dissection, arc of rotation, flap transfer, inset and closure, and clinical applications. Each chapter concludes with clinical pearls and pitfalls along with commentary provided by a noted expert in the area.

Like its predecessor, the book is essential reading for residents and a must for any professional performing reconstructive surgery. Its clear organization, generous use of illustrations, and surgical guidance will improve surgical outcomes for a range of patients