Q 1 Tight junctions of epithelial cells are typically found on which surface?

Q 1 Tight junctions of epithelial cells are typically found on which surface ?

A ) apical

B ) basal

C ) lateral

D ) basement membrane

Q 2 Which of the foll doesnot results from elevated sympathetic nervous system activity ?

A ) increased hepatic glucose release

B ) rapid deep breathing

C ) increased heart rate

D ) increased blood flow to splanchnic organs

Q 3 The length of fallopian tube is ?

A ) 5 cm

B ) 10 cm

C ) 15 cm

D ) 25 cm

Q 4 A patient presented with normal eyesight and absence of direct and consensual light reflexes , which of the foll cranial nerve is lesioned ?

A ) optic

B ) occulomotor

C ) trochlear

D ) abducens

Q 5 In cephalometrics , Frankfurt plane is constructed ?

A ) horizontally from nasion to porion

B ) horizontally from orbitale to the superior aspect of external auditory meatus

C ) horizontally from nasion to the superior aspect of external auditory meatus

D ) vertically from orbitale through the maxillary canine

Q 6 Dense regular connective tissue is seen in all except ?

A ) Periosteum

B ) Tendon

C ) Ligament

D ) Aponeurosis

Q 7 Pronation of foot occurs at which 2 parallel axis ?

A ) subtalar and talonavicular

B ) subtalar and calcaneocuboid

C ) talonavicular and calcaneocuboid

D ) none of the above

Q 8 Membrana tectoria is ?

A ) ant longitudinal ligament

B ) post longitudinal ligament

C ) ant atlantooccipital membrane

D ) post atlantooccipital membrane

Q 9 Iliac crest in females fuses by the age of ?

A ) 14 - 15 yrs

B ) 15 - 16 yrs

C ) 16 - 17 yrs

D ) 17 - 19 yrs

Q 10 Nucleus lying deep to facial colliculus belongs to ?

A ) Trigeminal nerve

B ) Vestibulo cochlear nerve

C ) facial nerve

D ) abducens nerve