PGMEE Biochemistry MCQs 241-250

Q-241. All of the following enzymes are involved in oxidation-reduction reactions except
a) Dehydrogenase
b) Hydrolase
c) Oxygenase
d) Peroxidase

Answer: Hydrolase
Enzymes involved in oxidation-reduction reactions or oxido-reductase:
Hydro-peroxidase- Peroxidase and catalase

Q-242. Which of the following side chains is least polar group?
a) Methyl
b) Carboxyl
c) Amino
d) Phosphate

Answer: Methyl
Methyl side chains and methylene side chains are non polar side chains associated with non polar amino acids.

Q-243. Which of the following statements about facilitated diffusion is true?
a) It is a form of active transport
b) It requires a carrier protein
c) Rate of transport is proportionate to the concentration gradient
d) Requires creatine phosphate

Answer: It requires a carrier protein
Facilitated diffusion is the process of spontaneous passive transport of molecules or ions across a biological membrane via specific trans-membrane integral proteins.
Important points:
Facilitated diffusion is a form of passive transport.
Rate of transport in facilitated diffusion is proportionate to concentration gradient only at low concentrations, before the carrier protein becomes saturated.

Q-244. After overnight fasting, levels of glucose transporters are reduced in
a) Brain cells
b) Hepatocytes
c) Adipocytes
d) RBCs

Answer: Adipocytes
Glucose transporters that are dependent on insulin for their expression are reduced in fasting state when insulin level is low.
Such insulin dependent transporters (GLUT-4) are specially found in adipose tissue and skeletal muscle.
Glucose transporters in hepatocytes, brain cells and RBCs are insulin independent.

Q-245. Acetyl CoA can be converted into all of the following except
a) Glucose
b) Fatty acids
c) Cholesterol
d) Ketone bodies

Answer: Glucose
Fates of Acetyl-Co-A:
Synthetic pathway: Lipogenesis, Ketogenesis, cholesterologenesis and steroidogenesis
Oxidative pathway: Enters the citric acid cycle to generate ATP
Substrates for gluconeogenesis:
Glucogenic amino acids
Propionic acid in ruminants
Important point:
Acetyl-Co-A is not a substrate for gluconeogenesis.

Q-246. All of the following statements about lipoprotein lipase are true Except
a) Found in adipose tissue
b) Found in myocytes
c) Deficiency leads to hyper-triacylglycerolemia
d) Does not require CII as cofactor

Answer: Does not require CII as cofactor
Lipoprotein lipase is found in adipose tissue, skeletal and cardiac muscles.
Lipoprotein lipase requires apo-protein CII as cofactor and deficiency causes Type-I Hyper-lipoproteinemia with accumulation of chylomicrons in the plasma.

Q-247. The gaps between segments of DNA on the lagging strand produced by restriction enzymes are rejoined/ sealed by
a) DNA ligase
b) DNA Helicase
c) DNA topoisomerase
d) DNA phosphorylase

Answer: DNA ligase
DNA ligases close nicks in the phosphodiester backbone of DNA. DNA ligases are essential for the joining of Okazaki fragments on lagging strand during replication, and for completing short-patch DNA synthesis occurring in DNA repair process.

Q-248. Splicing activity is a function of
a) m-RNA
b) sn-RNA
c) r-RNA
d) t-RNA

Answer: sn-RNA
Small Nuclear RNAs:
One important subcategory of small regulatory RNAs consists of the molecules known as small nuclear RNAs (sn-RNAs).
These molecules play a critical role in gene regulation by way of RNA splicing.
Sn-RNAs are found in the nucleus and are typically tightly bound to proteins in complexes called sn-RNPs (small nuclear ribonucleoproteins, sometimes pronounced “snurps”).
The most abundant of these molecules are the U1, U2, U5, and U4/U6 particles, which are involved in splicing of pre-mRNA to give rise to mature mRNA.

Q-249. CAP in Lac Operon is an example of
a) Positive regulator
b) Negative regulator
c) Constitutive expression
d) Attenuation

Answer: Positive regulator
Regulatory proteins in Lac Operon:
CAP: Catabolite gene activator protein (Positive regulator)
Lac I gene or repressor protein (Negative regulator)

Q-250 (a). All of the following are true about sickle cell disease except
a) Single nucleotide change results in change of glutamine to Valine
b) RFLP results from a single base change
c) Sticky patch is generated as a result of replacement of a non polar residue with a polar residue
d) HbS confers resistance against malaria in heterozygotes

Answer: Sticky patch is generated as a result of replacement of a non polar residue with a polar residue
Sickle cell disease:
Sticky patch is generated as a result of replacement of a polar glutamate residue (Normal amino acid in position 6 of the beta chain) with a non-polar valine residue due to single nucleotide replacement.
Replacement of a polar glutamate residue with a non-polar valine residue leads to altered solubility of HbS.
Primary patho-physiological event in sickling is intra-cellular polymerization of deoxy HbS due to its markedly reduced solubility.

Q-250 (b). Sickling in ‘HbS’ disease is primarily caused by
a) Decreased Solubility
b) Decreased Stability
c) Altered Function
d) Altered O2 Binding capacity

Answer: Decreased Solubility
Explanation: See above explanation