Pathology Questions Topic - Liver - Dr. Ashutosh Aggarwal

  1. Peripheral Hepatic necrosis seen in:
    a. CCI4 poisoning
    b. Yellow phosphorous
    c. Amanita poisoning
    d. Tetracyclines

  2. Nutmeg liver is seen in:
    a. Wilson disease
    b. Cystic fibrosis
    c. Cardiac failure
    d. All of the above

  3. Exposure to vinyl chloride predisposes to:
    a. Hepatocellular carcinoma
    b. Hepatoblastoma
    c. Angiosarcoma of liver
    d. Cholangiocarcinoma

  4. Vascular lesion in liver is due to:
    a. Anabolic steroids
    b. Chlorpromazine
    c. Halothane
    d. Allopurinol

  5. Fatty change in alcoholic steatosis is reversible until appearance of:
    a. Microvesicular changes around centrilobular veins
    b. Perivenular fibrosis
    c. Lipogranulomas
    d. Macrovesicular changes

  6. Indicator of active viral replication in hepatitis B are all except
    a. HBeAg
    b. HBV-DNA
    c. HBcAg
    d. HBsAg

  7. True about hepatitis C virus is
    a. Within any given individual HCV exists as closely related genetic variants known as quasispecies
    b. Elevated titers of anti HCV IgG confers effective immunity
    c. Can cause polyarteritis nodosa
    d. Incubation period is 2 to 8 weeks

  8. Mallory denk bodies are seen in all except:
    a. Alcoholic hepatitis
    b. Wilson disease
    c. Secondary Biliary cirrhosis
    d. Autoimmune hepatitis

  9. Pathological steatosis is involvement of more than _____ of hepocytes:
    a. 3%
    b. 5%
    c. 7%
    d. 10%

  10. Which of the following is correct about hemochromatosis
    a. Symptoms usually occur earlier in females
    b. Risk of hepatocellular carcinoma is increased
    c. It is due to decreased excretion of iron
    d. Restrictive cardiomyopathy is seen

Ans -

  1. B
  2. C
  3. C
  4. A
  5. B
  6. C
  7. A
  8. D
  9. B
  10. B