Pathology & pharmacology

  1. Which of the following is not a feature of anemia of chronic disease
    A. increased TIBC
    B. increased serum iron
    C. increased serum ferritin
    D. increased bone marrow iron

Ans. B

  1. Which among the following does not secrete Interleukin 1 alpha
    A. lymphocyte
    B. fibroblast
    C. macrophage
    D. endothelium

Ans. A

  1. Histological scoring’ of chronic hepatitis does not include
    A. periportal inflammation
    B. portal fibrosis
    C. bridging necrosis
    D. cholestasis

Ans. D

  1. Pulmonary surfactant is synthesized by
    A. Type I pneumocytes
    B. Type II pneumocytes
    Ans. B

  2. Regarding DIC all the following features are correct except
    A. Increased fibrin degradation products
    B. Decreased platelets
    C. Increased fibrinogen

Ans. C

  1. Which of the following is the most beta-1 selective antagonist
    A. Acebutolol
    B. Atenolol

Ans. D

  1. ACE inhibitors are contraindicated in all the following except
    A. Bilateral renal artery stenosis
    B. Elderly hypertensive
    C. Diabetic microalbuminuria
    D. Severe renal failure

Ans. C

  1. Which of the following is a cardiotoxic anticancer drug
    A. bleomycin
    B. doxorubicin
    C. 5 FU

Ans. B

  1. Opiod induced respiratory depression can be reversed with
    A. Naloxone
    B. Theophylline
    C. Artificial ventillation

Ans. A
10. Calcium channel blocker which is usually used in subarachnoid hemorrhage is
A. Nimodipine
B. Diltiazem
C. Verapamil

Ans. A

  1. Drug induced cirrhosis is not seen with
    A. alpha methyldopa
    B. phenylbutazone
    C. INH

Ans. B

  1. Which of the following is not used in the prophylaxis of febrile seizures
    A. sodium valproate
    B. carbamazepine
    C. phenobarbitone
    D. diazepam

Ans. B

  1. Which of the following drugs is tuberculostatic
    A. Rifampicin
    B. Ethambutol
    C. Pyrazinamide
    D. INH

Ans. B

  1. Which of the following drugs will not cause hypothyroidism
    A. Ethambutol
    B. Lithium
    C. Amiodarone
    D. Pyrazinamide

Ans. D

  1. Dopamine inhibits secretion of
    A. Growth hormone
    B. Prolactin

Ans. B

  1. Which of the following is not an analeptic agent
    A. Doxapram
    B. Nikethamide
    C. Doxacurium
    D. Propylbutamide

Ans. C

  1. Which of the following drugs is not used for the treatment of anaerobic infections
    A. penicillin
    B. clindamycin
    C. chloramphenicol
    D. gentamycin

Ans. D

  1. Which of the following drugs is used to treat Chlamydia infection in pregnancy
    A. Doxycyclin
    B. Erythromycin
    C. Mirepenam
    D. Tetracyclin

Ans. B
19. Troglitazone is the drug used in the treatment of
A. petit mal epilepsy
B. type 2 diabetes mellitus
C. hyperlipidaemia

Ans. B

  1. Which of the following is not an alpha-2 stimulant
    A. guanabenz
    B. guanadrel
    C. clonidine
    D. alpha methyl dopa

Ans. B

  1. 99% of degradation of Iodine131 occurs in
    A. 26days
    B. 36days
    C. 46days
    D. 56days

Ans. D

  1. Atropine is added with diphenoxylate to
    A. Increase effect
    B. decrease side effects
    C. decrease abuse
    D. enhance absorption
    Ans. C

  2. Monitoring of drug level is not needed with which of the following drugs
    A. Lithium
    B. L-Dopa
    C. Digoxin
    D. Phenytoin

Ans. B

  1. Which among the following have greatest affinity for pseudocholine esterase
    A. Mivacurium
    B. Atracurium

Ans. A

  1. Selective decrease in IgA is seen with administration of
    A. Phenytoin
    B. Diazepam
    C. Clonazepam
    D. Phenobarbitone

Ans. A

  1. Which of the following is prothrombotic
    A. Thrombomodulin
    B. PGI2
    C. Heparin
    D. ADP

Ans. D

  1. Carbamazepine toxicity is precipitated by
    A. Erythromycin
    B. vitaminK
    C. Theophyllin

Ans. A