ORTHOPEDICS SAMPLE questions and answer

  1. Rigid flat foot is not seen in
    A. Osteo arthritis
    B. rheumatoid arthritis
    C. peroneal spasm
    D. congenital tarsal fusion

Ans. A

  1. What is the diagnostic radiological finding in skeletal flurosis
    A. sclerosis of sacroiliac joint
    B. interroseous membrane ossification
    C. osteosclerosis of vertebral body
    D. osssification of ligaments of knee joint

Ans. D?

3.Which of the following childhood disorders is a common differential diagnosis of osteomyelitis
B.Ewing’s sarcoma

Ans. B

  1. A segmental compound fracture of tibia with 1 cm skin wound is classified as
    A.Type I
    B.Type II
    C.Type IIIA
    D.Type IIIB

Ans. A?

  1. Minimum intradiscal pressure in vertebral column is seen when a person is
    A. standing
    B. sitting
    C. lying flat
    D. lying on one side


  1. What is the position of lower limb in anterior dislocation of hip
    A.flexion adduction and internal rotation
    B.flexion adduction and external rotation
    C.flexion abduction and internal rotation
    D.flexion abduction and external rotation

Ans. D

7.Which of the following is not a complication of Colle’s fracture
A.Sudek’s osteodystrophy
B.Non Union
C.Shoulder stiffness

Ans. B

  1. Median nerve involvement is most common with
    A. elbow dislocation
    B. supracondylar fracture
    C. lateral condyle fractrue
    D. olecranon fracture

Ans. B

  1. Earliest bone to ossify is
    A. Clavicle
    B. Tibia
    C. Sternum
    D. Ribs

Ans. A