NIMHANS PG Paper 2002 (Part 9 of 14)

Correct matches are

  1. Aspergillosis-cell mediated cytotoxicity

  2. Serum sickness-immune mediated reaction

  3. Erthroblastosis-cell mediated immunity

  • About dopamine receptors true is/are

    1. D1 recptors are auto receptors

    2. D2 D5 mediate through adenyl cyclase

    3. D4 receptors act via kinase

  • True about mechanism of action of drugs is

    1. Erythromycin-attaches to ribososme and inhibits DNA replication

    2. Rifampicin-inhibits DNA dependent RNA polymerase

    3. Vancomycin acts on cell wall

  • Left shift of oxygen dissociation curve occurs due to

    1. Increased temperature

    2. Metabolic acidosis

    3. Chronic hypoxia

  • True about akathesia is

    1. Most common complication of SSRI use

    2. Anticholinergics are used for treatment

    3. Wanders away from home

  • Correctly matched choices are

    1. Lady Macbeth-Obsessive compulsive disease

    2. Othello-Delusional jealousy

    3. Helmet-Multiple personality

  • Prolactin is inhibited by

    1. Serotonin

    2. Estrogen

    3. Oxytocin

  • Regarding post traumatic stress disorder true is

    1. Anxiety is a feature

    2. Occurs after days after stress

    3. Hallucinations are a prominent feature

  • True about feautures in catotonic schizophrenia is/are

    1. Echolalia

    2. Anhedonia

    3. Ambitendency

  • Complications in anorexia nervosa include

    1. Esophagitis

    2. Ammenorrhea

    3. Osteoporosis