MRCP Part 1 exam revision

MRCP Part 1 exam revision
Revise at your own pace with our bank of over 3,300 MRCP Part 1 questions, written by doctors who are experts in all aspects of General Medicine and have extensive knowledge of the exam structure, difficulty level and curriculum.

BMJ OnExamination have been writing medical exam revision questions for the last fifteen years. Our robust editorial process ensures our questions are of the best quality and relevance for the current MRCP Part 1 exam. Our MRCP Part 1 revision resource is fully aligned with the Royal College of Physicians curriculum, to give you the closest revision experience possible to the exam.

Our MRCP Part 1 questions are pitched at the correct difficulty level, to mirror what you will experience on exam day.

Our bespoke medical revision platform allows you to systematically target your weak areas, improve your knowledge across all key topics in the current exam curriculum, test your exam aptitude, log your learning and track your progress.

  • Stats are obtained from customer feedback report in 2013

Work Smart

Customise your revision to suit you - choose to answer questions by topic, type, difficulty level or weak area.

Use Work Smart to test your weak areas - select this feature in your session analysis and we will provide you with a pre-filled Work Smart session that focuses on your weak areas only.

Revise more efficiently; our Adapt For Me feature adapts to your current performance and delivers you questions that increase in difficulty as your knowledge improves.

After each Work Smart session, we provide you with a memorable list of learning points covered in that particular session, to help reinforce your revision

AdaptForMe - An Intuitive Learning Feature

Our adaptive learning feature responds to your knowledge level as you answer questions, it will deliver questions to you that increase in difficulty as your knowledge improves.

This will make your revision more efficient; it will ensure you don’t waste your time doing questions that are too easy for you and likewise it won’t deliver questions that are too difficult for you at the present time.

As your knowledge improves the system will keep challenging you by testing your knowledge with more difficult questions keeping you on track for exam success.