Most diagnostic should be CT scan

Most diagnostic should be CT scan
A 35yo man presented with hematuria, abdominal swelling and has a BP of 190/140. What is the most diagnostic inv?
a. Cystoscopy
b. USG
c. CT
d. Renal biopsy e. Urine analysi

A patient presents with facial oedema, raised JVP, shortness of breath and cough. A chest X ray shows superior vena cave obstruction. What is the immediate management? A. Furosemide
B. Dexamethasone
C. Radiotherapy
D. Stenting

colposcopy or cervical smear?
A 40 year old lady presents with occasional per vaginal spotting. What is the most appropriate next step investigation to do?
a. Colposcopy
b. Cervical smear
c. PV examination
d. Hysteroscopy
e. Cone biopsy

A patient is on long standing indwelling catheter and now the catheter bag is turned purple. Dipstick test shows nitrates –ve, blood+. What investigation would you do next?
A. Urine culture and sensitivity
B. None
C. Urine porphobilinogen
D. USG abdomen

A 38 years old female returns from a holiday in Greece. Now has dry cough, bilateral
consolidated areas in the chest X-ray. What is the best antibiotic you would prescribe?
A. Clarithromycin
B. Ciprofloxacin
C. Amoxycillin
D. Cephalexin
E. Gentamycin

Severe itching around perineum and index finger with maculopapular rash and excoriation in perineum
A. Entrobius vermicularis
B. Sarcopteis scabies

most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in adults?

B- membranous glomerulonephropathy

A 22-year-old man visits his physician for evaluation of new symptoms after the use of isoniazid treatment for TB. His skin is inflamed, had diarrhea and feeling like not himself.
What is the vitamin deficiency responsible for this patient’s new symptoms?
A- Thiamine deficiency
B- Riboflavin deficiency
C- Niacin deficiency
D- Folic acid deficiency
E- Vitamin B12 deficiency

38yo female presents with sudden loss of vision but fundoscopy is normal. She a similar episode about 1 y ago which resolved completely within 3m. Exam: mild weakness of right upper limb and exaggerated reflexes. What is the single most appropriate tx?a. Pan retinal photo coagulation
b. Pilocarpine eye drops
c. Corticosteroids
d. Peripheral iridectomy
e. Surgical extraction of lens

A woman comes to A& E 2 months after giving birth to her first child. She says she is having overwhelming repetitive thoughts of harming her baby. She is very distressed by these thought and says she is sure she won’t harm her baby. What is the diagnosis?

A. Post partum blues
B. Post partum depression
C. Post partum psychosis
D. Obsessive compulsive disorder
E. Delusions