Most common muscle damaged in rotator cuff

1.In some old fractures, cartilaginous tissue forms over the fractured bone ends with a cavity in between containing clear fluid. This condition is called as -
a.Delayed union
b.slow union

Pseudarthrosis develop after a fracture that has not united due to inadequate immobilization, i.e. Pseudarthrosis is a type of nonunion.
Inadequate immobilization permits constant movement at fracture site which hampers the formation of normal callus, and fibroblast forms excessive fibrous tissue in this situation which results in non-union.
If movement continues to occur at non-union site, the fracture site develops features of a joint,i.e. Pseudarthrosis:-
Covered by a cartilage (fibro cartilage)
There is synovial lining
Space is filled with synovial fluid like clear fluid

2.Most common muscle damaged in rotator cuff

d.teres minor

The tendons of the rotator cuff, not the muscle, are most commonly involved and of the four, the supraspinatus is affected most frequently as it passes below the acromian.