Most common cause of lobar hemorrhage in elderly – Medicine MCQ

Most common cause of lobar hemorrhage in elderly age group ?
A: Hypertension
B: Vascular malformation
C: Coagulopathy
D : Amyloid angiopathy

Correct Answer: D : Amyloid angiopathy


Intraparenchymal bleed with surrounding oedema- CT Scan

Though hypertension is the most common cause of intracerebral hemorrhage, the usual site for it is putamen, thalamus, pons and cerebellum.
But lobar hemorrhage in elderly is most commonly due to cerebral amyloid angiopathy, where there is amyloid deposition in the walls of cerebral arteries following arteriolar degeneration.

Ref: Harrison’s principles of internal Medicine, 19 th edition, page 2582 – 2583
Image credits: James Heilman, MD. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.