Minimally Invasive Aortic Valve Replacement


This is a partial upper sternotomy is the name of this incision. A thorocotomy is an incision we generally use for lung operations and for some valve operations in which we actually make an incision on the left or right side between the ribs. So it runs horizontally on a patient, as opposed to this incision being a vertically placed incision in the middle of the upper part of the sternum.
Again, we feel that even though there’s a little bit of difficulty in seeing all the structures initially to make these incisions, we feel that patients do benefit from having the bottom half of their sternum still intact. The benefits, in addition to being less pain, are also stability of the breast bone, of the sternum. Especially in younger patients who want to return to work and activity more quickly, we feel that this offers them an opportunity to do that more safely than someone who’s had a full sternotomy.