Medicine Questions Topic -By - Dr. Vijay Aggarwal

  1. The first virological marker following acute infection with HBV is:
    a. HBs Ag
    b. Anti HBs Ag
    c. IgM anti HBc Ag
    d. Anti HBe Ag

  2. Which of the following markers in the blood is the most reliable indicator of recent hepatitis B infectin?
    a. HBs Ag
    b. IgG anti – HBs
    c. IgM anti – HBc
    d. IgM anti – Bbe

  3. Which of the following is TRUE with regards to detection of HBe Ag in serum:
    a. Signals recovery from HBV infection
    b. Indicates viral replication and infectivity
    c. An evidence for successful vaccination against Hepatitis B
    d. Enhances the severity of HBV and increases the risk of cirrhosis

  4. A 35 year old male patient presented with history of Jaundice for 15 days. The onset ws preceded by a prodromal illness. His serum tested positive for HBs Ag. A clinical diagnosis of acute Hepatitis B was made. What should be the next best confirmatory investigation?
    a. Anti-HBe Ag antibody
    b. HBe antigen
    c. Anti-HBe IgM antibody
    d. HBV DNA by PCR

  5. A 29 year old patient with jaundice is positive for HBs Ag, HBe Ag, and IgM anti-HBC but negative for anti-HBs and anti-HBe. The probable diagnosis is:
    a. Acute Hepatitis B
    b. Past infection with HBV
    c. Asymptomatic carrier state
    d. Immunization with HBV vaccine

  6. A male patient is observed to be HBs Ag antigen positive HBe Ag antigen negative and anti-HBe antibody positive. HBV DNA copies are observed to be 100,000/ml while SGOT and SGPT are elevated to 6 times the upper limit of normal value. What is the likely diagnosis:
    a. HBV surface mutant
    b. HBV precore mutant
    c. Wild HBs Ag
    d. Inactive HBV carrier

  7. The following is a marker of acute hepatitis B infection:
    a. DNA polymerase
    b. Hepatitis core antigen
    c. Anti HBs
    d. IgG to core antigen

  8. The marker for determining efficacy of hepatitis B vaccination is:
    a. HBs Ag
    b. IgM Anti HBc
    c. IgG Anti HBc
    d. Anti – HBs Ag

  9. Hepatitis B infectivity is indicated by:
    a. Anti-HBs Ag
    b. HBs Ag + HBe Ag
    c. Anti-HBs Ag – Anti-HBc
    d. Anti-HBe Ag + Anti-HBs Ag

  10. A person is screened for blood donation. Which of the following serology is safe for Blood donation?
    a. Anti HBs Ag Positive
    b. HBs Ag positive
    c. Anti HBC positive (IgM)
    d. HBc Ag positive

Ans -

  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. NONE
  5. A
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. B
  10. A