Mechanism of action of pertusis toxin is?

  1. True about carbohydrate antigen are all except?
    a. has low immunogenicity
    b. memory response seen
    c. causes polyclonal b cell stimulation
    d. does not stimulate t cell

  2. Mechanism of action of pertusis toxin is?
    a. adp ribosylation
    b. acts through g alpha subunit

  3. Which of the following is true about isotypic variation?
    a. subtle amino acid changes due to allelic differences
    b. changes in aa heavy and light chain in variable region
    c. changes in heavy n light chain in constant region responsible for class and subtype
    d. these are areas in antigen that bind specifically to antibody

  4. True about hybridoma technique are a/e?
    a. narmal activated
    b cellsmyeloma cells b. myeloma cells selective mutation in salvage pathway, vigorous proliferation in hat medium
    c. thymidine kinase and hgprt catalyse he salvage pathway
    d. aminopterin a folic antagonist, inhibits de novo nucleotide synthesis forensic medicine

  5. What is fallanga?
    a. beating on soles with blunt object

  6. Hydrocution refers to?
    a. drowning in cold water
    b. electrocution in water
    c. post mortem immersion
    d. immersion in boiling water

  7. Not a constituent of embalming fluid?
    a. phenol
    b. ethanaol
    d. glycerine

  8. Thanatology is study of?

  9. A man working as a pest killer comes to opd with pain abdomen and garlic odour in breath with transverse lines on nails.posoning is due to?
    a. lead
    d. cadmium